Wednesday, April 01, 2009

We are one in the Spirit

By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

One person can make a difference and every person should try. (John F. Kennedy)

I look at my 401K and shudder and wonder how it will effect my future, what’s left of my future anyhow.. Then we read of people who are really struggling with job loss, foreclosure, no health insurance and all of a sudden 401k doesn’t mean much any more.

Times are bad and making a living is hard but sometimes adversity brings out the best in people. Bad times cause people to do good things. Many times I heard my Father-in-law tell of growing up during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. He lived on a small farm and his parents were able to sustain their family on what they could grow in their fields. The farm aunts and cousins also shared with their city relatives. The city relatives would come out to the country for Sunday dinner which was probably the only time during the week they had meat and fresh vegetables. When they went home, they carried produce with them to sustain their families until the next Sunday dinner.

My Mother-in-law, who also lived on a small farm, told stories of her mother making enough food at supper time to be able to feed the wandering, unemployed men who rode the rails. These men were called “hobos” and traveled from town to town in boxcars on the railroads. When they got to a town they marked fence posts with symbols telling fellow travelers where sympathetic women (usually) would provide them with a hot meal. My wife’s grandmother was one of these people as was my mother.

So what’s happening today. Are people doing similar acts of kindness.. Yes they are! Several stories on the radio and TV tell or a man who owns a small restaurant. He doesn’t charge for meals but asks you what you thing the meal is worth and what can you pay. Another businessman who owns a dry cleaning establishment will clean your clothes free if you are out of work and have a job interview. Even some big Hollywood stars are getting into the act. Jay Leno is performing two shows in Detroit for free for people who have lost their jobs.

Local churches have stepped up to the plate by collecting food for pantries and food banks. The food bank our church supports with donations has seen the number of families seeking help triple the past 6 months.

What is your church doing during these rough times? There is so much to be done and many are doing much to help. We can multiply our efforts by exchanging ideas. As we remember Matt. 25:40 when Jesus said, “…whatever you did for the least of these, my Brethren, you did for me.” Now is the time to be active in the Brethren Spirit of service to our neighbor. Send us news of what your Church is doing so we can share it in the Newsletter. Send it to or

Act as if what you do makes a difference…. It does.