Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Plant Generously, Reap Bountifully

I (Paul) planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.
—1 Corinthians 3:6

A movement is gaining energy for new mission points and church starts throughout the Church of the Brethren.

Such a movement requires a strong foundation of prayer.

Will you pray with us this year?

Some resources to assist your prayer:

Detach the prayer card and use it with your daily devotional materials.

Go to and register for the church planting prayer group. You will receive detailed monthly prayer requests.

Visit for news on what’s happening with new church starts.

Invite your friends, family, Bible study, Sunday school class, discipleship group, and worshiping community to join in these prayers.

New Church Development Advisory Committee

Monthly Prayer Card
Plant Generously,
Reap Bountifully
May 2009
God-given vision for church planting through the Church of the Brethren

June 2009
New projects, fellowships and congregations

July 2009
District church development committees, teams, and boards

August 2009
Courageous pastors and disciples to plant churches

September 2009
Financial resources to undergird planting

October 2009
Established congregations with a passion for supporting new church plants

November 2009
Openness to creative possibilities for new mission

December 2009
Seeing and receiving Jesus in unexpected places

January 2010
Assessment process for identifying gifted planters

February 2010
National new church advisory committee

March 2010
Newly emerging projects and fellowships

April 2010
Preparation for the May 20-22 conference – leaders, participants, and planners

May 2010
Conference impact, safety for travelers, fresh vision and renewed passion, deep insight and broad wisdom
Specific information for each month’s prayer focus is available at