Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Great Harvest Church Planting: A visit with Dawn Amankwaa

It was an awesome blessing to spend two days with Dawn Amankwaa and her family in Durhamville, New York, just outside Syracuse. Baby Caleb continues to prosper and grow. He is an amazing, beautiful, peaceful baby. Son Sean is a sweet, energetic young man who is looking forward to the start of the school year, enjoying playing on a community football team and is prospering as well during their time in New York. Dawn has been accepted into a Nursing program to complete her course work to be an RN. This was a true miracle in answer to prayer as the program was full and they were not accepting any more students. But room has been made for Dawn in the program. Praise God!

Dawn’s parents have been a wonderful support system for Dawn and continue to provide space in their home and assist in raising the children while they wait for the arrival of their father from Ghana. Praise the Lord! A co-sponsor has been located for Benjamin and with all things falling into place; he should finally be reunited with his family by Christmas!

Thank you for your continued prayers for this very special family and the ministry God has prepared for them.