Thursday, October 01, 2009


By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

"It's amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions." -- Charles F. Kettering

We just returned from a trip across the Northern United States from Peoria to Seattle to Portland and back to Peoria. When I looked at the odometer it said 5,003 miles traveled in relative ease in an air conditioned car and using the latest "Garmin" technology to find our way to places that we wanted to visit. The adventure took us to see old friends and to a reunion with people I served with 45 years ago in the Peace Corps in Tanganyika, East Africa. Many times the speed limits were 75 miles per hour, even on the state highways, and we could cover hundreds of miles a day. We saw the vastness of our country, the wonder of the Rocky Mountains, the open prairies and high deserts, some great rivers, the Pacific coast and we marveled at being able to see these natural wonders.

It got me to thinking about Jesus and how much territory he covered during his years of Ministry. Jesus was recorded as visiting Jerusalem, Nazareth, Capernaum, Tyre, Caesarea Phillipi, Bethsaida, Bethany and all over Galilee. The distance from Jerusalem to Tyre is approximately 100 miles, to Nazareth 65 miles, to Capernaum 75 miles and another 25 miles to Caesarea Phillip. Jesus walked these miles most often with his disciples. No Motels with soft beds housed the Master. No McDonalds popped up for a quick Big Mac. No nice smooth highways or roads to make his path easy. He walked, stayed with friends and followers and was fed by Middle Eastern hospitality. I'm sure somebody's calculated how many miles Jesus must have covered in three years of ministry but I'm guessing at least 500 or more... on foot... wearing sandals... and no showers.

And yet He brought his ministry to the people of the countryside, the seaside, the mountain top... and the center of the temple. He never once asked who they were, what they believed, what their lifestyle was (except the rich young ruler) and He fed the multitudes without discrimination. Should we do any less? The Church of the Brethren did not begin as a denomination but a way of life. To follow as closely as possible the teachings of Jesus and to follow his life style reflected their intense study of the New Testament. Remember when our word was our bond and our handshake was our contract?

District Conference is close at hand and our theme "We are ONE in the Spirit" continues to hold firm in my head. If we want to be the strong, mission church we once were we must be strong in the Spirit not divided as country or city, liberal or conservative, for or against, or divisive. Remember that we can be One in the Spirit without being the Same in the Spirit. Jesus' friends and disciples were not the same but they went about building the church. What are we building?