Tuesday, September 01, 2009


By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

“Trying to stop people from learning, sharing and loving is a losing game because it means working against God and the plotline of God’s universe.” -- Brian Mclaren

The beginning of the school year has descended upon us as children eagerly board school buses for the first days of school. Summer officially ends as students hurry to meet friends from last year, see who the new teacher is going to be, pick up gym uniforms and collect a big pile of books they will be using for the next 9 months. Sometimes it seems overwhelming but then again it feels safe, structured and welcoming. They are again in their cocoon of learning.

For most of his earthly life Jesus was called Rabbi or teacher. Sometimes it was like teaching people who thought they already knew everything from the Old Scriptures. Jesus frequently showed them that the old practices weren’t chiseled in stone. Many other times he held kindergarten class for people who were searching for a way of living and he taught them with down to earth stories that they could understand. And other times he debated with the learned of the times and sent them away muttering in their beards.

I was always fascinated by the book, “Everything I needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten.” Isn’t that true when we think about Jesus teachings. He tried so hard to tell us to just get along.. love your neighbor.. Don’t waste your time criticizing other people... (remember the log in the eye story?) Help others who are in need no matter who they are... (the good Samaritan), and to forgive others so that you may be forgiven. Kindergartners learn this with the simple admonitions. Play nice with others... don’t hit... and share your toys. What if we could just learn these rules life would be so much easier... easier to be faithful Christians.

God’s school bus is traveling the globe and he is looking for students to learn at his feet.. The bus not only comes around on Sunday but every day of the year.. Will you be standing by the road waiting for the bus? Will you wait until the last minute and hope the bus hasn’t passed.. Will you sit safe and warm in your house hoping the bus won’t come around to your street.

One thing you certainly don’t want to do is … miss the bus…