Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Illinois-Wisconsin District Conference

November 6 - 8, 2009
Naperville Church of the Brethren

The Naperville congregation will provide an International dinner Saturday evening. Chris Bowman is the featured speaker for Sunday Worship. Pastor Dennis Webb and Naperville Men's Glee Club sing for us Saturday evening followed by an Ice Cream Social sponsored by the District youth.

Doors open Friday Evening at 5:00 PM for registration.

Friday Evening Service begins at 7:00 PM with Orlando Redekopp as worship leader and Gil Crosby, Moderator as evening speaker.

Sunday Morning at 9:15 AM
  • On Earth Peace presents "Peace to new believers."
  • Jonathan Shively - Congregational Life Ministries Director will present information about the denominational reorganization
  • Carol Wise - BMC - "The Cost of Exclusion."
We are ONE in the Spirit
Join us at District Conference where the Body of Christ meets to discern what God wants us to do.