Sunday, November 01, 2009


The Program and Arrangements Committee for the Annual Conference to be held in Pittsburgh next July 3 - 7 is collecting challenging and inspiring stories of persons, congregations or groups who have taken Jesus seriously.

These could include a lifetime's commitment to the cause of the Gospel, a moment of selfless action, or any stories that span the diversity of our denomination, theologically, geographically, generationally and more. The Committee wants to include those stories of faith and testimony throughout our time together in Pittsburgh celebrating God's good work among us.

These stories should be sent as soon as possible, by mid-November to or send them to The Annual Conference Office, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120

Please plan to be a part of the 224th recorded Annual Conference where we meet as the body of Christ and the community of Faith. Your Prayers will strengthen those who gather as "One in the Spirit" to discern God's work for us to do.