Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Christian Peacemaker Teams

Barnraising work progresses on the new CPT building. We have a new roof, new windows, sub-flooring on the first floor to list a few. Work progresses but we are also very aware of our December move in date. Much work still needs to be done. Is there a group from your church who will donate time? Do you know a retired carpenter who would be interested in helping? Or a handi-woman/man? Or do you have one day, several days, longer that you could come to work on the house. We need folks with carpentry, electrical and plumbing skills as well as those who can work with direction. As these folks work, we also need people who can clean up and do basic work. If you are coming from out of town, we can provide housing.

Work continues after December 1 so if now does not work–schedule a time after January 1. Please keep me informed as to when you or a group will help or anticipate helping. Peace work happens in many ways–help create a space where peace will vibrate through the walls into the larger world.

I look forward to working with you to plan your time to help.

In God's grace and peace, Joyce

Joyce M. Cassel, CPT House Volunteer Coordinator
636 N. Harvey, Oak Park, Il 60632
708-445-1998 home, 630-606-5670 cell

Seek justice, love mercy, walk humbly