Sunday, November 01, 2009


By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

"Help each other be right, not wrong. Look for ways to make new ideas work, not for reasons they won't, Do everything with enthusiasm, it's contagious." -- Ian Percy

This will be my last newsletter as the Moderator of the Illinois-Wisconsin District. It was an honor I almost turned down because of all the other things I thought I had to do. We all work in our local churches, have family commitments, make travel plans, work outside the church, volunteer for various service entities and sometimes just feel overwhelmed. But after talking with previous Moderators they encouraged me to take the step in faith even though I felt totally inadequate for the task ahead.

I still feel inadequate but do you know what I discovered? People working on behalf of the District of Illinois-Wisconsin are a hard working, nurturing group who go out of their way to support each other all the time striving to make our District a dynamic statement for our Lord Jesus. As an ex-officio member of all other teams I have come to sit in awe of the dedication given by these people to our District.

People work every day to support the Brotherhood, District and the individual churches of the Illinois-Wisconsin District. Our District Executive, Kevin Kessler works tirelessly in the District while pastoring his own church in Canton. We get full time service for half time pay. Seven elected people make up the Leadership Team (plus 8 ex-officio) who meet every six weeks at churches throughout the District. In between meetings they contact churches in their area, act as liaisons between the team and all the other ministry groups, conduct the business of the district, and administer programs like "Mission and Mortar".

Six members of the Gifts Discernment & Call Committee have the thankless task of trying to convince the Brethren to serve on District positions. There are seven people who serve regularly on the Disaster Response Team. Did you know the Disaster Response Team has outfitted a trailer filled with hand and power tools and is ready at a moments notice to head out to the next place of need? Six District Deacons representing all geographical areas of the District contact Pastors, plan programs and events and support local congregations. Five members of the Ministerial Leadership Development Team are charged with ordination and licensing of Pastors, providing training, and supervising Pastoral enrichment. An Ethics Team of five members overseas the training and monitoring of behavioral policies in the District. One man, Willard Dulabaum, has been directing the TRIM (Training in Ministry) program for the past several. Many of our current Pastors (and myself) are graduates of this program designed to create a path through the Brethren Academy to service in the Church. Other Teams serving the district include five people on the Peace Team, seven members of the Youth Cabinet and our Standing Committee Delegate.

The New Church Development Team consisting of six members and the Apostle have been tirelessly working to establish new churches in the District. Two Pastors are working in Illinois and another looking to begin in Wisconsin. This group in a short time has done some amazing planting work against some significant challenges.

And Last we should not forget the Team that organizes and implements District Conference, the Program and Arrangements Committee. Three elected members and four ex-officio members are charged with planning, site selection, participation and execution of every District Conference.

I would like to also thank two people who have helped me this year and been in service to the District for more years than I can remember, Wilbur and Evelyn Bowman finish their terms on the Leadership Team this year, Wilbur as chairman and Evelyn as Recording Secretary. God speed to you as I know you will continue to serve the District and your Church.

So, If someone from Gifts & Discernment asks you to serve on a Ministry Team or other capacity, think of these people who have taken the challenge even though their schedules too are full. We all are called to serve in the mission of the Church. Volunteer your gifts into His Service..