Saturday, August 01, 2009

The Reflector -- August 2009 -- Vol 6 Issue 8


By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

"Come to the woods, for here is rest. There is no repose like that of the green deep woods. Here grow the wall flower and the violet. The squirrel will come and sit upon your knee, the birds will wake you in the morning.." John Muir

Camping season arrives in Illinois-Wisconsin during the summer months bringing running, hollering children to camps like Emmanuel and Emmaus. Children who have been freed from the bonds of boredom when school recesses for the warm months of the year. Children hiking, swimming, making new friends and unbeknownst to them. Learning. The camping experience remains with us throughout our lives as we remember the campfires, the singing, the laughter in the dining hall and wondering how many mosquitoes were in the bunk house.

When reminiscing camping experiences we forget the rainy days and the mud or the cold nights or no TV. Camping evokes good memories even though all was not the best of conditions all the time. The good rises above all else and stays in our memory banks for a long time.

I loved camping and spent 15 years in Scouting, from Tenderfoot to Scoutmaster, just to be a part of the outdoor experience. Cooking our own food even though it may have been seasoned with wood ashes from the fire. Hiking in the woods with critters all around us. Swimming in the lake that sometimes we thought had just melted from the winter. Sitting around a campfire listening to stories of Indians, woodsmen and of God's nature. All evoke memories that are positive and good.

Our Savior Jesus must have been a camper. Spending the night along the banks of the Sea of Galilee, hiking between the cities and towns of Judea, sleeping aboard a fishing boat with his friends, sitting on a mountainside telling stories of his Kingdom and parables about life's realities. Jesus taught from and about the outdoors, farmers, shepherds, trees, the sea, and fishing.

God's great outdoors is ours for the taking. To enjoy and contemplate its beauty. I wonder why so many of us dwell on the negative and worst side of creation instead of the beauty. Why do people tend to see what they don't like about each other instead of what they could like? Why can we always see why something won't work instead of figuring out how to make it work? Why is it easier to complain rather than affirm goodness?

Jesus said in Mark 5, "Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you."


The Friday evening worship service (Each Friday evening at 7 PM ) is continuing and attendance continues to grow. Offerred as a non-traditional worship service, the service is an hour of music, prayer, and teaching. Pastor Steve Needham is continuing his series on Matthew, using the same scripture for both the friday evening and the sunday morning worship services. The scripture used is the same for the friday evening and the sunday morning services, but the lessons drawn from the scripture are different. Steve intends to help his hearer to understand scripture from multiple perspectives and is being successful. The music is uplifting and uptempo, with a band and singing group. Brethren (and seekers of all faith traditions) are invited. A copy of last weeks newspaper ad is attached.


Peter Kohler, called in mission to Digos City on Mindanao in the Phillipines (average income in Digos City is less than 60 cents, 30 pesos, per day) will be returning to the united states on furlough the third week of August. He has been called to mission and is currently being supported by prayer and monetary support from several of the District's congregations. He will be visiting and reporting to his supporters during his furlough before returning to the Phillipines. Peter is currently working with other staff at the Digos City Christian Church in food relief and educational aid. Peter is working on plans for an affordable school for poor families in Digos City. Congregations who would like a visit from Peter may contact Paul Kohler (, phone: 217-493-3189) for information about scheduling a visit or additional information.


The Gather 'Round curriculum, a project of Brethren Press and Mennonite Publishing Network, is accepting applications for a managing editor. This fulltime position carries responsibility to copy edit and proofread, manage the curriculum production process, and secure and maintain contracts and permissions. Qualifications include excellent editorial and computer technology skills, ability to organize projects and manage details, ability to operate well in a collaborative environment, grounding in Church of the Brethren or Mennonite beliefs and practices, with marketing experience a plus. Active membership in a Brethren or Mennonite congregation is preferred. A bachelor's degree is required; a graduate degree in a related field is preferred. Location is open, with a preference for the General Offices location in Elgin, Ill. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The start date is Aug. 17, or earlier. The full position description and application are available at To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and completed application to Anna Speicher, Project Director and Senior Editor, Gather 'Round Curriculum, at or 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120.


Photo by Bruce Garrison.The Seeker’s Sunday School class from the Peoria church attended a Peoria Chief’s baseball game to hear members of their class sing the National Anthem. The quartet includes: Penelope Garrison, Vicki Matheny, Dan Boulton and Russel Boulton. Outreach sometimes takes unique ways to be recognized. Community events are a great way to get the word out about the Church of the Brethren. The Peoria Chiefs are a minor league team affiliated with the Chicago Cubs.


Children's Disaster Services, PO Box 188, New Windsor, MD 21776

Volunteer Workshop

CDS provides specialized training for all of its volunteers. The CDS Volunteer Workshop is a comprehensive 27-hour workshop that uses applied, experiential activities to help the participants integrate their learning.

Workshop includes:
  • Types and phases of disaster
  • Children
    • Their needs after a disaster
    • Responding to them in a healing manner
    • Using play to begin emotional recovery
  • CDS Centers
    • Setup and operation
    • Safety procedures
  • Self care on site and after returning home
  • A shelter simulation
Any volunteer who wishes to become certified must provide two references (reference forms will be handed out at the workshop) and clear criminal and sexual offender background checks (criminal and sexual offender background checks that have been processed within the last 18 months will be accepted.) CDS will then issue an identification badge to any volunteer who qualifies.

What should I bring to the workshop?
Clothing for sitting on the floor, Camping Gear (sleeping bag or blankets, pillow, air mattress, flashlight) Personal items (towel, washcloth, toiletries.)

Please complete the registration form and mail it along with a check made payable to Children's Disaster Services to: Children's Disaster Services, P.O. Box 188, New Windsor, MD 21776


Children’s Disaster Services is offering a workshop to train volunteers in Virden on September 25-26. The workshop will be held at Virden (Ill.) Church of the Brethren (334 W. Dean St.). Charlot Cole is the local coordinator (217-370-5382).

Macoupin County Public Health has given Virden Church of the Brethren and the Church of the Brethren's national office consent to host and train volunteers to provide childcare in the event of a disaster in the area. This action follows on the National Center for Disease Control (CDC) contacting all county Public Health Departments alerting them of a possible bio disaster sometime in the next five years. The CDC has further advised counties to develop a plan of preparedness.

Children’s Disaster Services has been meeting the needs of children since 1980, and is a Church of the Brethren ministry working cooperatively with FEMA and the American Red Cross to provide care for children and families following disasters.

Cost for attending the workshop is $45 for early registration, or $55 for registrations made less than three weeks before the workshop begins.

Other Children’s Disaster Services Volunteer Workshops are scheduled for August 10-11 in Milwaukee, Wis.; October 9-10 in McPherson, Kan.; and November 6-7 in Sykesville, Md.

Children’s Disaster Services volunteers provide a calm, safe, and reassuring presence in the midst of the chaos that follows disaster by setting up and operating special child care centers in disaster locations. Parents are then able to apply for assistance and begin to put their lives back together, knowing their children are safe.

In 2008, more than 140 Children’s Disaster Services volunteers spent 11,124 hours caring for almost 3,000 children after flooding and ice storms in the Midwest, Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, the Metrolink train accident in southern California, and California wildfires.

Earlier this year, a Critical Response Childcare Team that is a part of Children’s Disaster Services provided child care for families of airplane crash victims following the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407 in which 50 people were killed near Buffalo, N.Y. The Critical Response Childcare Team also stayed on to care for children during memorial services and calling hours, as requested by the parents.

Information learned at the Volunteer Workshops can be beneficial to anyone working with children. The workshops train participants to understand and respond to children who have experienced a disaster. The training is designed for people who have a heart and passion for children, and will help participants recognize and understand the fears and other emotions children experience during and following a disaster. Participants also learn how child-led play and various art mediums can start the healing process in children. Participants will experience a simulated shelter, sleeping on cots and eating simple meals.

Once the training is completed, participants have the opportunity to become a certified Children’s Disaster Services volunteer by providing two personal references and a criminal and sexual offender background check.

Although many volunteers are motivated by faith, Children’s Disaster Services Volunteer Workshops are open to anyone over 18 years of age.

The Children’s Disaster Services office may be contacted at or 800-451-4407 ext. 5. Go to for more information about the program.

The Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination committed to continuing the work of Jesus peacefully and simply, and to living out its faith in community. It is based in the Anabaptist and Pietist faith traditions and is one of the three Peace Churches. It celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2008. It counts about 125,000 members across the United States and Puerto Rico, and has missions and sister churches in Nigeria, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Haiti, and India.


Children’s Disaster Services is offering a workshop to train volunteers in Milwaukee on August 10-11. The workshop will be held at the Native American Ministry United Methodist Church (1738 S. 11th St.). Lorna Jost is the local coordinator (605-692-3390).

Children’s Disaster Services has been meeting the needs of children since 1980, and is a Church of the Brethren ministry working cooperatively with FEMA and the American Red Cross to provide care for children and families following disasters.

Cost for attending the workshop is $45 for early registration, or $55 for registrations made less than three weeks before the workshop begins. This workshop is part of the United Methodist Volunteers in Missions “teachUM” conference and requires an additional charge of $20 for meals.

Other Children’s Disaster Services Volunteer Workshops are scheduled for September 25-26 in Virden, Ill.; October 9-10 in McPherson, Kan.; and November 6-7 in Sykesville, Md.

Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, Director of News Services
Church of the Brethren
1451 Dundee Ave.
Elgin, IL 60120
800-323-8039 ext. 260


On behalf of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) Brethren Disaster Ministries is seeking volunteers to assist CPT in repairing/renovating a home on the south side of Chicago. The home was purchased by CPT in response to their ongoing need for office and training space as well as the need for a location to hold peace events. CPT is seeking groups of up to 5 volunteers. CPT will house and feed volunteers near the worksite.
Please contact Joyce Cassel for more information and to schedule your group.
Phone: 708-445-1998

Thank you for considering this opportunity to utilize your disaster response/construction skills to assist CPT in this worthy cause.

Running the race together,
Zach Wolgemuth Associate Director, Brethren Disaster Ministries 1-800-451-4407 ext. 6

For more information see our website
Brethren Disaster Ministries - PO Box 188 - New Windsor, MD 21776-0188
Contact - Zach Wolgemuth 1-800-451-4407


New Beginnings (formerly the Batavia Church of the Brethren) held it annual All Church Block Party on Sunday the 12th of July. The street in front of the church was closed for the day and games and music and food were served up for all. All of the churches neighbors within several blocks had been invited and many came. Beginning right after morning worship and continuing until late afternoon, games and prizes for the children, hot dogs, hamburgers and a pot luck of salads and desserts for the adults, with music and entertainment for all were the order of the day. The pastor, board members, and deacons were there to meet and greet the neighborhood and a number of good contacts were made. A fine time was had by all, simple fun and fellowship for a neighborhood.

Submitted by Paul Kohler

Children’s Disaster Services Workshop

A Brethren Disaster Ministry

Volunteer Workshop

September 25 & 26, 2009
5:00 p.m. Friday – 7:30 p.m. Saturday
at the Virden Church of the Brethren
334 W. Dean Street
Virden, IL 62690

Local coordinator: Charlot Cole – 217-370-5382
CDS office:
800.451.4407 Ext 5

Registration Form


The District leadership team meets at different churches throughout the district. On July 11 they met at the Polo Church and were greeted with a buffet breakfast prepared by the members of the Polo church. Elmer Stauffer celebrated devotions and gave a history of the Polo congregation.

The meeting was gaveled to order by Chairman Wilbur Bowman and the business of the district began to be conducted. The treasurer’s report by Pat Heid shows a working balance of $16,108 in our checking account. We had some interest income as the market recuperated slightly. Christine Knotts sent the financial secretaries report. The half year report is printed elsewhere
in this newsletter.

The District Executive, Kevin Kessler and Moderator, Gil Crosby, both presented reports on their activities since the last meeting. Lynda DeVore, Apostle for the New Church Development Team, also reported on the activities ongoing with church planting. Each member of the Leadership Team is liaison to a group of district churches. Each liaison reported on news from their groups of churches.

The Rockford Church is selling their property and seeking a new location and mission to continue their fellowship as a Church of the Brethren. Kevin is writing a document to clarify how churches handle dissolution, transition and disposal of property. When completed it will be sent to all congregations .

The LT approved purchasing insurance for the tools in the Disaster tool trailer. The trailer is already insured.

There were several resignations in the district. Jewel McNary and Jim Miner resigned as Youth Advisers. The Leadership Team will seek replacements. Willard Dulabaum resigned as the TRIM coordinator. The District administrative assistant, Emily Cleer, submitted her resignation as well. Volunteers, suggestions and viable names would be most welcome by the Leadership to fill these vacancies.

A team begins work on the 2010 budget so it can be presented at the next meeting. The budget must be approved by District Council in November.

District sponsored training events coming in the next few months are Ethics Training October 24 & 29; and Leadership Workshop for pastors October 3 and Feb. 6.

Attendees were: Wilbur Bowman, Chm., Fletcher Farrar, Bob Champlin, Bill Pocklingtron, Vernon Dean, Anna Lee Hisey Pierson. Ex-Officio: Kevin Kessler, Orlando Redelopp, Ed Garrison, Gil Crosby & Evelyn Bowman, Sec. Lynda DeVore of the NCDT.

The Next Meeting will be held August 15 at Cerro Gordo.


Bethany Theological Seminary's Educational Opportunities Brochure has a new look for the 2009-2010 academic year. Instead of a paper brochure as in previous years, the information is now available as an online resource at The listing will receive regular updates so that the information is always current. The online pages include an expansion of the types of classes included.

The educational opportunities information serves current occasional students as they plan their next classes or the prospective student who wishes to review some of the courses that the Seminary offers. The listing also includes courses that meet the ministry credentialing requirements of several districts. For more information about admissions and enrollment, contact Elizabeth Keller, director of admissions ( or 765-983-1832) or Amy Gall Ritchie, director of student development ( or 765-983-1806).


Brethren Disaster Ministries

Are you ready?
  • Help rebuild 100 homes in Haiti
  • Work with Haitian children
Brethren Disaster Ministries (BDM) has been working closely with the Church of the Brethren in Haiti to repair and rebuild homes after the devastating hurricanes of 2008. More about BDM work in Haiti

2009 Haiti Hurricane Response Workcamps
  • August 7 - 16 (registration due immediately)
  • October 24 - November 1 (registration due September 22)
Workcamp volunteers will plunge into Haitian life as they work, eat, and worship side by side with Haitian Christians. The delegation will help rebuild homes in the coastal city of Gonaíves, visit the completed project in the rugged Mirebalais area, and they’ll worship with the Brethren in Port-au-Prince and other preaching points. Programming for children in these communities is also being developed. Workcamp volunteers will be able to choose between working with children and home rebuilding, or doing both! The workcamps, each limited to 15 participants, will be led by Jeff Boshart and Klebert Exceus.

$550/person. This includes all in Haiti expenses: meals, lodging, in-country transportation, travel insurance. The workcamp participant will need to purchase round-trip transportation from home to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Requirements for participating:
  • excellent health
  • stamina for hard work in hot climate and 2 mile treks up mountain paths
  • 18 years of age and older
  • passport
  • vaccinations/medications - contact your family doctor or local Health Department (tetanus required, malaria medications recommended)
  • sensitivity and flexibility with regard to cultural differences
  • 10/24 Travel to Port-au-Prince
  • 10/25 AM: Worship with Haitian Brethren, PM: sightseeing in Port-au-Prince
  • 10/26-29 Travel to Gonaives for home construction & children’s programming
  • 10/30 Visit Fond Cheval homes & provide children’s programming, then return to Port-au-Prince
  • 10/31 Hike to Mont Boulage to see completed homes and provide children’s programming.
  • 11/1 Depart Haiti
Interested volunteers:
Register online, or submit a paper registration form as soon as possible. Brethren Disaster Ministries staff will follow up.For more information, contact Brethren Disaster Ministries at 800-451-4407 or


Position Announcement: Manager of Publications

Position Announcement – July 20, 2009

Manager of Publications
Full-time salaried position based in Elgin, Ill., for a not-for-profit organization that has 6,000 members and clients nationwide. This third-level management position reports to the Director of Communications.

Brethren Benefit Trust is an agency of the Church of the Brethren, a Protestant denomination founded in 1708 that includes 1,100 congregations, five colleges and one university, one seminary, and more than 20 affiliated retirement communities.
Provides oversight of BBT’s publications — newsletters, press releases, Web site, and other special projects — and serves as a senior writer and copy editor.
Scope of Writing
Manager will report on news and information related to BBT’s ministry areas of Pension, Insurance, Foundation, and Credit Union. BBT’s mission includes a wellness component, both financially and in body/spirit, and so some writing will cover how individuals can make good personal financial decisions while other pieces will explore wellness aspects of heart/soul/mind. Stories will also report on how BBT promotes Brethren values with socially responsible investing initiatives through its management of $331 million in Pension and Foundation monies.
Scope of Duties
Manage schedule and coordinate content for various publications, determine writing and photo assignments; and work with production coordinator and contracted designers. Contribute as a team member in BBT’s marketing and promotional efforts. Provide oversight for the redesign and maintenance of the BBT Web site to keep it current in content and functionality. Represent department/agency at meetings and events.
The Manager of Publications travels to the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, to BBT Board meetings, and to other denominational events as assigned. Total travel is from three to six trips each year.
Seeking a candidate with an undergraduate degree in Communications, English, Business, or related field, with experience and expertise in writing, copyediting, and/or project management. Knowledge in personal investments and Web design is helpful. Active member of the Church of the Brethren is preferred; active member in a faith community is required.
Competitive with Church Benefits Association agencies of comparable size and scope of services. A full benefits package is included.
Please send a letter of interest, resume, three references (one supervisor, one colleague, one friend) and salary-range expectation to Donna March at 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin IL 60120, or For questions or clarification about the position, please call 847-622-3371. For more information about Brethren Benefit Trust, visit

Interviews will begin as soon as possible.


Brethren Disaster Ministries has expedited the process of opening a new disaster recovery project in northwestern Indiana. At the same time, the Johnson County project in Greenwood, Indiana will close.

Starting the week of July 19, volunteer groups that were scheduled to work in Johnson County will be reassigned to Hammond, Indiana.

The first several volunteer groups are:
July 19-25: Beaver Creek CoB (Mid-Atlantic)
July 26-August 1: Walnut CoB (N. Indiana); + Sheldon & Carol Wion
August 2-8: Michigan; + Sheldon & Carol Wion
August 9-15: Midway CoB (Atlantic Northeast)
August 16-22: Western Pennsylvania

Hammond is in the northwest corner of the state, just west of Gary. BDM volunteers are now finishing up the jobs that had been referred to us in Greenwood. Then we'll turn our attention to the homes on the waiting list in the Hammond and Gary area.

This area was hit with a devastating storm caused by remnants of Hurricane Ike last September. Floods damaged many homes and businesses and closed parts of I-80/94 for days. In the wake of the storm it was estimated that approximately 17,000 residences were affected. With nearly 900 homes in this lower income, urban area still in need of assistance, Brethren Disaster Ministries has been called upon by the local recovery agency to assist with repair and reconstruction needs.

Volunteer Housing: 3020 175th, Hammond, Ind. The house is a very large parsonage. No RV hookups will be provided. Groups are asked to include an assistant cook.

Project Cell Phones: 443-974-2406, 410-259-1900, or 410-596-3427. If you can't reach anyone after hours, call Zach Wolgemuth, 410-259-6194.

Project Leaders: Larry Williams, until July 26. Steve Keim, July 23 to Aug. 1.

Directions: from I-80/I-94, take the Kennedy Avenue exit and follow the North Kennedy Ave. ramp. Merge onto N. Kennedy Avenue. Turn right onto 174th St. Turn right onto Alabama Avenue. Turn left onto 175th St., and proceed to house #3020.

Let me know if you have any questions. Your flexibility is greatly appreciated! God bless.


Emily Cleer is resigning as the Administrative Assistant for the IL/WI District of the Church of the Brethren, as of Aug. 7, 2009. She began her work with the district in April of 2008. Emily brought a rich background of administrative and clerical skills to the position. She maintained an efficiently organized office and gave attention to detail. Emily and her husband, Ray, reside in rural Canton.

Position Opening: Program Coordinator, Global Mission Partnerships

Church of the Brethren
July 17, 2009

Program Coordinator, Global Mission Partnerships
This position supports and extends the ministry of Global Mission Partnerships by providing administrative and programmatic functions for the international mission operations of the denomination.


Summary of Position Functions:
  • Provide administrative support and coordination for the offices of the Executive Director for Global Mission Partnerships, Brethren Volunteer Service, and the Global Food Crisis Fund.
  • Generate promotional materials, including multi-media.
  • Facilitate financial processes of the office.
  • Communicate with a broad range of individuals and institutions in various media.
  • Coordinate logistics for international travel.
  • Facilitate personnel processes and documentation, including: insurance documentation, personnel change notices, volunteer status notices, and updating current personnel data.
  • Maintain files and records.
Skills and knowledge required:
  • Strong communication skills, verbal and written, with an ability to articulate the overall objectives of the program. A preference is given for bilingualism.
  • Skilled in computer applications, particularly Outlook and Excel, with the capability and willingness to learn new software applications.
  • Ability to problem solve; good judgment in prioritizing tasks.
  • Knowledge of financial processes.
  • Excellent organizational skills, i.e., ability to work with details and simultaneous tasks.
  • 3-5 years administrative experience in a 501(c)3 or similar setting.
  • Some college preferred, i.e., two-year associate degree or vocational certificate.
Interested candidates can request a copy of the position description and application, from:
Office of Human Resources
Church of the Brethren
1451 Dundee Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120-1694
Phone: 1-800-323-8039, Ext. 258; E-mail:

Steward Leaders in Changing Times

In the midst of challenge and change, congregational steward leaders are asked to provide answers and solutions. Plan now to attend:

"Steward Leaders in Changing Times"
Hilton Marco Island Resort, Florida
November 30 - December 3, 2009
The Ecumenical Stewardship Center, of which the
Church of the Brethren is a member, is sponsoring this event.

Come and learn, network, share, and worship with stewardship leaders from Canada and the U.S. (You can even add a night or two of personal time for rest and relaxation, a mid-winter retreat in a beautiful sunny location!)

This year’s seminar features:
  • Anthony B. Robinson, President of Congregational Leadership Northwest and author of Transforming Congregational Culture
  • Peter Steinke, author of "Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times" and founder of Healthy Congregations
  • Mike Bonem, president of Kingdom Transformation Partners and author of "Leading From the Second Chair: Serving Your Church, Fulfilling Your Role and Realizing Your Dreams"
  • Mardi Tindal, executive director at Five Oaks Retreat Centre, and participant in the Center for Courage & Renewal facilitator preparation program provided by Parker J. Palmer
  • Ron Klusmeier, composer and resource consultant
For more information, check out the flier on our web page. To register and receive group and/or first-time attendee discounts, contact Carol Bowman, coordinator of stewardship formation and education,


Aug. 8 Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Aug. 8 Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Aug. 15 IL/WI District Leadership Team meeting, Cerro Gordo

Sep. 7 Labor Day
Sep. 26 IL/WI District Leadership Team meeting, Douglas Park

Oct. 3 District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 10am
Oct. 10 Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Oct. 10 Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1 pm
Oct. 12 Columbus Day
Oct. 25-27 Midwest DE’s gathering, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
Oct. 31 IL/WI District Leadership Team meeting, Stanley

Nov. 1 Daylight Saving Time Ends
Nov. 6-8 District Conference, Naperville
Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day

Dec. 5 Joint IL/WI District Leadership & New Church Development Team meeting, Peoria
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
Dec. 25 Christmas Day
Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve