Monday, February 01, 2010

Leadership team meets at the Freeport Church of the Brethren

The Illinois-Wisconsin District Leadership Team met January 16th at the Freeport Church for their regular meeting. Those present were Anna Lee Hisey Pierson, Bob Champlin, Kevin Kessler, Ed Garrison, Lynda DeVore, Carol Novak, Vernon Dean, Jim Lehman, Shannon Hinkle, Bill Pocklington and a visitor Walter Wallace.

Chairperson, Anna Lee called the meeting to order with devotions by our District Executive, Kevin Kessler. Bother Kessler used John 3 and the section about being born again as his text. Newer translations say must be born from above or born anew rather than other translations saying “born again”. He said change is not something we bring about. It must be done by the Spirit who can work through us.

We began by reviewing our strengths and weaknesses that had been identified the previous meeting. One of our main tasks is communication and trust. We need to communicate the beneficial work the District does for the Churches and the Brethren. How do we motivate Churches and the Leadership Team to help the District grow and develop? We must come together to achieve our mission. The Team is working on a Mission statement that includes words like lead, inspire, work and grow.

The minutes of December 5th meeting at Peoria were approved as printed with one correction that Moderator Orlando Redekopp was present.

The Treasurers report showed positive results that were helped by the rebound in the stock market. Church contributions fell under budget but expenses also came in lower than expected. Some wondered if we did not spend our budget were we doing our job. Those who donated $200 or more will be receiving tax letters shortly.

Kevin presented his report to the Team. He spent much time working with Ministry Teams and the Douglas Park steering committee. Several of the Ministry Teams did not report because they had not met in the new year yet.

People are still confused about the Property Covenant letter sent out by the Team. When you put these covenants in your deeds or constitutions you are not signing your property over to the District. You are protecting your property from takeover from outside groups.

Chairperson, Anna Lee, and DE, Kevin Kessler, met with the congregation at the Virden Church of the Brethren to hear their concerns about an event at the District Conference. Churches are concerned about Annual Conferences statement on Human Sexuality and how the District will approach the subject.

New Church Development Team Apostle, Lynda DeVore, reported progress with church planting. She also said that we need growth, health and development from our existing churches if we expect newly planted churches to succeed as well. The NCDT and LT work together to bring about the planting of new congregations in our District.

Bill Pocklington has created a YAHOO community page so all of our reports, minutes and papers can be posted so everyone on the Leadership Team can have easy access to the information.

Lynda closed with prayer.