Monday, February 01, 2010

Registration Opens for Bethany’s Presidential Forum

Bethany Theological Seminary's third Presidential Forum will take place on April 9-10, 2010. Titled When Strangers Are Angels (the spiritual and social movements of Brethren, Friends, and Mennonites in a new century), this Forum will bring persons from all three historic peace traditions together to explore what our historical inheritances offer to the 21st century church and the world. We will explore such questions as: What have been and are each movements' understandings of the relationship between Christ and culture? How do our understandings of scripture and our spiritual practices address social concerns of today and extend hospitality in a blessed and broken world? We will examine three dimensions of the “stranger”: the stranger within ourselves, the strangers or estrangements within our own faith communities or between our faith communities, and the ways we respond to strangers in the wide world around us.

Dr. Martin Marty, distinguished service professor emeritus at the University of Chicago and columnist for The Christian Century, will be the keynote speaker. Other leadership will include representatives from each of the historic peace churches. The Forum also will feature a play titled Man from Magdalena, written by Earlham School of Religion student Patty Willis and including musical compositions by Mary Lou Prince, music director/composer in residence at the Unitarian Universalist congregation of Green Valley, Arizona. Scott Holland, professor of theology & cultureand director of peace studies and crosscultural studies at Bethany, will give a presentation titled "Intertextual Interpretation: When Jesus is a Stranger." The Forum also will include times of worship and small group discussion.

The Forum will begin with check-in at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 9, and conclude at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 10. Follow the link at the end of this e-mail to see a complete schedule.

Prior to the Forum, Bethany alumni/ae and friends are invited to a Pre-Forum Gathering beginning with dinner on Thursday, April 8. The Pre-Forum Gathering will explore the Forum theme especially as it relates to the Church of the Brethren. Five Bethany faculty members will lead plenary sessions. Steven Schweitzer, academic dean, will focus on the Old Testament. Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament studies, will compare the Matthew 25 and 28 passages. Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm, associate professor of preaching and worship, will lead a session on preaching our legacy from the pulpit. Tara Hornbacker, associate professor of ministry formation, and Russell Haitch, associate professor of Christian education and director of the Institute for Ministry With Youth and Young Adults, will co-lead a session exploring the topic, “How is the church today living out Church of the Brethren values?” Follow the links at the end of this e-mail to see more information about the Pre-Forum Gathering and a complete schedule.

Continuing education units will be available: .5 for either the Pre-Forum Gathering or the Forum, or 1 CEU for both events. Follow the link at the end of this e-mail for more information about CEUs.

The basic registration fee for the Forum is $75 and $25 for students; the registration fee for the Pre-Forum Gathering is $25. Meals for both events are available for an additional charge. Follow the link at the end of this e-mail to register online.

Questions about the Forum may be directed to Marcia Shetler, director of public relations, or 765-983-1823.