Monday, March 01, 2010

Young Adult Conference 2010

Register online today at

All young adults in the Church of the Brethren are invited to gather at Camp Blue Diamond (near Petersburg, PA) May 29 - 31. Romans 12:4 - 8 will guide us as we think about defining, seeking, building, and maintain community.

There is a strange phenomenon in the world today. We are more connected than ever before through technology, the economy, and the environment; yet we are more disconnected (from cach other and from God) than ever before. We struggle to find lifegiving relationships. We often feel alienated from “the church,” whether we define church as the congregation/denomination in which we grew up and/or our current faith community. Our deepest yearnings tell us that God is active in our lives, but seeing and feeling that process can elude even the most spiritually aware among us. What does Romans 12:4 - 8 mean to us today? What is community? How do we find, build, and nurture it? Come, share with us!

Leadership will include the Young Adult Steering Committee (Jordan Blevins, Ethan Gibbel, Caitlin Haynes, Virginia Meadows, John-Michael Pickens, and Jennifer Quijano), Matt McKimmy, and several other Brethren young adults. The cost is $90 prior to April 20. The Youth/Young Adult Ministry Office will send a letter to the home church of young adults who wish to request a $50 scholarship from their church family. (The cost for registration goes up to $115 after April 20 and no scholarship letter will be provided.)