Thursday, April 01, 2010

Disaster Relief Ministry

A recent challenge was made to an area group of Pastors that is now presented to you. An area of ministry that involves Pastor Rick Koch is our Disaster Relief Ministry. He has been blessed for several years to be able to travel about with folks from the Dutchtown Church to various places around our country and to help people put their lives and homes back together. Recently he challenged the Pastors of Northwest Illinois to consider going on a project together as Pastors to work for a week at a Disaster Relief site. Some have accepted the challenge and others are still considering it.

This challenge is now opened up to the rest of the Pastors in the Illinois-Wisconsin District. Sunday afternoon, August 29th we will be traveling to Hammond, Indiana to work for a week to help those who know the damage that flood waters can cause. We will return after work on Friday afternoon. This is not as glamorous or news making a site as New Orleans or Haiti, but these folks need our help. For Pastors this might be short notice but it was not until a week ago that we got this date set. You are encouraged to come on board and participate in this event. You DO NOT have to be skilled in construction craft. All hands are needed. Housing for Disaster Relief sites place this site at the top of the list! The relationships you build with each other could run deep, not to mention the relationships you will find with the homeowners. So, what do you think?

Please contact Rick Koch with your interest in participating. If you have any questions. please contact Rick at Dutchtown Church of the Brethren (815) 225-7812 or