Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Church of the Brethren Deacon Ministry

Donna Kline, Director
Denominational Deacon Ministry

Welcome to the first in a new series of monthly updates for deacons and other church leaders! I hope you find these communications informative, and I look forward any comments you might like to share.

This month I’m very pleased to announce the availability of the first issue of Basin & Towel magazine published by Congregational Life Ministries as the successor to Caregiving. Basin & Towel expands the scope of Caregiving, and is geared toward the spiritual growth and development of all church leaders. For more information, including a preview of the first issue as well as subscription information, go to the Congregational Life Ministries Web site.

At the 2010 Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, Pa., we will be offering two deacon training workshops on Saturday, July 3. The morning session is called "What Are Deacons Supposed to Do, Anyway?" with a focus on practical applications of the four functions of deacons. In the afternoon "The Art of Listening" will be offered, with special emphasis on providing support in times of grief and loss. To download a registration form go to www.brethren.org/site/DocServer/Deacon_Workshops_AC_Flyer_rev.pdf.

Finally, remember to sign up for the Deacon Luncheon at Annual Conference! I look forward to seeing you there on Tuesday, July 6.