Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Illinois/Wisconsin District Deacons
Potluck An Outstanding Success!

Illinois/Wisconsin held its first District Potluck at the First Church of the Brethren in Peoria (IL) on May 1, 2010. Nearly 100 persons attended the event.

District Deacons sponsored the Pot Luck and Workshops for the purpose of bringing the district together for a day of learning, fellowship and worship. The gathering included a delicious potluck, carry-in meal. In grand Brethren style, plenty of food arrived for all of the Illinois/Wisconsin District to enjoy. In addition, a potluck of workshops addressing the topics of music and worship, congregational conflict management, intercultural ministry, and computer usage, safety, and security filled out the event including several opportunities for corporate worship.

Jonathan Shively, Ruben Deoleo, Orlando Redekopp, Donna Kline, Bill Williams, Kevin Stachnik, and Dana McNeil presented the informative workshops. Many valuable insights were shared giving participants the opportunity to carry helpful information back to their respective congregations.

Anna Lee Hisey Pierson, District Leadership Team chairperson, led the opening worship experience reflecting on forgiveness and servanthood. She integrated the singing of hymns into moments of preaching, effectively sharing an inspirational message. Jonathan Shively, Congregational Life Ministries director, provided leadership for a midday worship service utilizing his musical talents to draw worshipers into a deeper connection with God. The choir from the Polo (IL) congregation opened the afternoon worship time with a variety of musical selections. This time of worship concluded with remarks from District Executive Kevin Kessler.

A relaxed atmosphere allowed attendees a few hours of release from the stresses of their busy lives. Overall, the event was a positive and joy-filled experience. Many in attendance expressed that they experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit moving in their midst.

“This was a great event for the IL/WI District,” quipped District Executive Kevin Kessler. “It exceeded all of my expectations. Attendance tripled what I expected. The potluck meal was wonderful, workshops were excellent, and worship brought it all together. This event is evidence that our district is capable of coming together for the glory of God to do significant things.” In his closing remarks Kessler added, “Let’s not leave here today thinking we can’t. Let’s leave here today knowing we can!”

Contributed by Kevin Kessler, District Executive.