Sunday, August 01, 2010

Bethany Seminary at Annual Conference

With experiences from the tactile to the technological, Bethany students and faculty offered many opportunities to interact with 2010 Annual Conference attendees.

Live plants, trees, and a “river” set the stage for the Bethany exhibit, featuring the themes of “for the healing of the nations” and “for the flourishing of God’s creation” based on Revelation 22:1-2. The exhibit offered space for rest and conversation, including specific times for “theological lounging” when conference-goers could dialog with students and faculty about how theology connects with Christ, culture, and more. Visitors to the exhibit were invited to offer a prayer for the healing of the nations and God’s creation and drop a prayer stone into the river.

The Seminary sponsored eight different insight sessions on a wide variety of topics. Ken Rogers, professor of historical studies, and several students shared about their recent cross-cultural trip to Germany. At “Bethany Seminary: a place for preachers, poets, and more!” students explored the unexamined practices and traditions of today’s church and more meaningful ways of thinking, being, and doing church. Tara Hornbacker, associate professor of ministry formation, gave a presentation on the Anabaptist/Pietist understanding of a missional mindset for ministry.

The Seminary’s new mission statements featuring Incarnational education were shared in the context of a simulated faculty meeting. The Advanced Foundations of Church Leadership and Vital Pastor continuing educational opportunities for pastors were the focus of an insight session presented by Brethren Academy of Ministerial Leadership staff.

“Under the story-telling tree: called by the Spirit and the body” featured reflections by women and men called to ministry and the ways they experienced either encouragement or discouragement to follow that call. Persons representing several generations reflected on their experiences relating to new trends in electronic communication. District Executives Tim Button-Harrison and Kevin Kessler shared their experiences regarding the challenge for congregations to be welcoming and also true to historical commitments and beliefs.

Attendees at the Brethren Life & Thought Luncheon were encouraged to approach any situation with an attitude of peace rather than fear by Jabani Adzibiya, current Bethany student from Nigeria and executive secretary of the EYN district church council Suleja.

A capacity crowd at the Bethany Luncheon learned of new opportunities for communication and continuing education for alumni/ae, and heard an energetic presentation by Academic Dean Steve Schweitzer from his book Reading Utopia in Chronicles. The Seminary has purchased a subscription for alums to access the ATLAS Religion Database, the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion. Alums can visit the ATLAS Database access page for more information. A PDF copy of Dean Schweitzer’s presentation can be found on the online publications page of the Bethany Web site. Also announced at the Luncheon: Bob Neff and Frank Ramirez, co-authors of The Chronicler, have agreed to record podcasts with Schweitzer focusing on this Old Testament text. The sessions will follow the chapters outlined in the Covenant Bible Studies book and offer new information and fresh insights for exploration by individuals or congregational groups. The podcasts will be available this fall at the Bethany Seminary Web site and through a link on the Brethren Press Web site.

Annual Conference delegates elected John David Bowman of Lititz, Pa., and Lynn Myers of Rocky Mount, Va., to the Seminary’s Board of Trustees. They also confirmed the appointments of Elaine Gibbel of Lititz, Pa., and Paul Wampler of Manassas, Va., to the Board.

The Seminary and the Church of the Brethren collaborated to produce sixteen webcasts of various Conference components, including all worship services, the deacon training workshop, and selected insight sessions, concerts, and meal events. Nearly all of these webcasts were recorded and can be accessed at any time at the Annual Conference section of the Bethany Webcast Central page.