Sunday, August 01, 2010

Special Response Process Continues

The special response process begun at the 2009 Annual Conference in San Diego which deals with how the church considers homosexual covenantal relationships moves into its finals stages this year. ALL congregants are invited to participate in regionally held listening sessions to inform the Standing Committee of their views. Separate listening sessions will be held in the northeast, northwest, south and central parts of the state so that anyone interested can be involved. Churches are also encouraged to engage in the Bible study available from the special resource committee to provide a foundation for the sessions. All of the materials as well as links to supporting documents can be found by checking online:
  2. click on Annual Conference (logo)
  3. click on Annual Conference Website (right side of screen)
  4. (new screen will appear) click on Special Response (upper right)
  5. click on the resource you want
    • “Special Response Resources” will take you to the Bible study
    • “Special Framework for Conversation” will take you to the material for the Listening Sessions)
It is extremely important that we consider these important issues together in an honest and loving manner to inform the Standing Committee of our thoughts.

Dates will be announced as they become available.

For more information, contact Standing Committee representative, Ed Garrison, at, (815) 734-4565, or 207 E. Brayton Rd., Mt. Morris, IL 61054.