Friday, October 01, 2010

Camp Emmanuel Labor Day Weekend Family Camp

Labor Day weekend found about 60 campers enjoying Family Camp at Camp Emmanuel just south of Astoria, Illinois. The camp kicked off with a Friday night campfire attended by 27 campers and conducted by Andy and Theresa Fulk of Cerro Gordo. After breakfast on Saturday morning Gil Crosby led the adults in a forum entitled "Civility" while the children enjoyed crafts led by Michell Brockman and the youth met with Jennifer Lehman. In the afternoon Gil led an adult forum entitled "Life's Little Instruction Book". The evening campfire, attended by 47 campers was led by Richard and Denise Nichols of Virden. Snacks followed on the porch.

The Sunday morning message was given by Jeremy Westlake of the Woodland Church of the Brethren. An offering of $342.95 was received and will be used toward the purchase of a new mower for the camp. While the children enjoyed swimming both Saturday and Sunday afternoons, the adults enjoyed relaxing and visiting and a watermelon feed provided by Ernie Shanks on Sunday. Sunday evening saw the usual, a wiener roast followed by a skit/talent night with Ray Knotts serving as the master of ceremony. Eleven campers shared songs, stories, and performed skits to the delight of the other campers.

The camp deans and managers owe a debt of gratitude to Jeremy and Molly Westlake of the Woodland Church of the Brethren for cooking for this very busy camp.

It was perfect weather for Family Camp, in the low to mid 70's each day. This made the porch fires each morning and night and the campfires especially enjoyable. It was a perfect close to the summer, reconnecting with old friends and making some new ones.