Friday, October 01, 2010

Harvest Happenings: Frances Maxwell Baxter

Pastor Frances is originally from Philadelphia PA where she received her Masters in Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary. While she was attending the seminary she often worshiped at the German Town Church of the Brethren just a few blocks away.

Frances is a passionate evangelist with a heart for multi-ethnic ministry. She senses God's leading to plant a church in the Aurora area because of its diverse ethnic make up.

Frances has completed the church planter assessment process and will begin her training in November. Upon completing her training she will begin raising support partners for the new mission. Her hope is to be in the Aurora area to begin sowing seed by the first of the year.

You will have an opportunity to meet Frances at the 2010 IL/WI District Conference. Please keep her in your prayers as she seeks to move forward in obedience to God's call to mission in Aurora.