Monday, November 01, 2010

Springfield Church Holiday Fair and Meals for Seniors

First Church of the Brethren, Springfield, will be hosting their annual Alternative Holiday Fair on December 3 and 4. Fair trade goods from Ten Thousand Villages and SERRV will be available for purchase. Several international agencies will have booths, including Heifer Project International and Trees for Life. The Fair will be open from 4 pm until 8 pm on Friday and 7:30 am until 1:30 pm on Saturday. Supper will be served Friday evening and lunch on Saturday featuring an Eritrean entre. Additionally, a variety of soups and several vegetarian dishes will be available.

The congregation of First Church, Springfield and volunteers from the community will once again prepare and deliver about 200 Thanksgiving meals to home-bound seniors. The church receives names of seniors who will be home alone on the holiday from area agencies such as Senior Services of Sangamon County, the American Red Cross, and several area hospital's Visiting Nurses Associations. Each of the seniors on the list receive a traditional Thanksgiving meal delivered by lunch time. This is the 26th year First Church has provided this service. A similar meal will be prepared and delivered on Christmas Day.