Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Peoria Church joins Mt. Zion Methodists on Mission Trip

For about 25 years the Peoria Church of the Brethren has been joining the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church for a trip to Eastern Kentucky to deliver clothing, household items and tools to Henderson Settlement and Red Bird Mission. On November 18th five trucks with trailers and one van joined five more vehicles at Mt. Zion for the 650 mile trip to the Eastern Appalachian Mountains.

The Peoria Church specializes in clothing and items for babies and young children. During the year fund raising events are held so that the Missions Team can purchase disposable diapers and to go to garage sales to purchase baby clothes, car seats, cribs, and toys. This year the church sent one truck and trailer and a van filled with items just for babies to Henderson Settlement. Members of the church also fill a bassinet placed in the narthex with new baby clothes and other needed items. There is a great need for items for babies at Henderson.

The missions expressed their gratitude for all the clothing and items that can be distributed through Opportunity Stores to help support the mission. They also give clothing and furniture to people who have been “burned out” of their homes. Burn outs are not uncommon where wood and coal stoves still provide much of the heat for manufactured homes and mountain cottages. These missions provide many of the much needed resources for the people of Eastern Kentucky.