Monday, November 01, 2010

40 Acres of Beans for God’s Work

Polo Church of the Brethren, Highland Ave. Church of the Brethren and Faith United Presbyterian Church combined efforts in the planting, raising and harvesting 40 acres of soybeans this year. On October 2, Jim Schmidt combined the 40 acres of beans which were sold for $28,000. The proceeds will be donated to the Foods Resource Bank. In the past 5 years the churches have raised over $95,000 for the Food Resources Bank.

The Polo Church hosted members of the participating churches for a social gathering and a meal. A video, “Sowing Seeds… Harvesting Hope” was shown with comments by Oren Samuelson the Ag Services Director of WGN. Samuelson does the nationally syndicated Daily Farm Report. Jay Wittmeyer, the Church of the Brethren Exec. Director of Global Mission Partnerships participated in the event and shared information about food needs around the world. He spoke about projects in Guatemala and Ethiopia.

After the fellowship time everyone went from the church and drove to the bean field south of Polo. Jim Schmidt offered combine rides to give people a sense of what it is like to harvest 40 acres of soybeans. The field produced over 65 bushels an acre this year. Jim said this was the best soybean crop ever.

If other churches would be interested in a growing project, please contack Jim Schmidt in Polo or call 815-946-3505. You can also log on to the website