Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Jonathan Shively Addresses Peoria Retreat

Jonathan Shively, from the Elgin Office of the Church of the Brethren, brought not only his credentials as Executive Director of Congregational Life Ministries but his wonderful talent as an accomplished musician to speak at The Seekers Sunday School class retreat. The retreat takes place every year with interesting and innovative speakers. This year’s retreat was held at the Eagle Crest Camp of the Salvation Army.

Friday evening devotions, held after some vigorous table games, came from Leonard Matheny whose theme was “Your Favorite Hymn.” Each person was asked to tell of their favorite hymn and why they liked that particular song.

Saturday morning Jonathan showed a video of an experiment involving the virtuoso violinist, Joshua Bell.

It was arranged for Bell to play at an upscale stop on the Washington D.C. Metro line to see what reaction the people would have to a world famous musician playing in a public place. The evening before Bell had filled the Kennedy Center with people paying $100 a ticket many who probably would pass through this station.

As he began to play it was seven minutes before anybody even looked in his direction. Eventually someone threw a dollar bill at his feet but few stopped to listen. We were asked to try and explain why people would not recognize not only an accomplished musician but an internationally acclaimed piece of music he was playing.

After a wonderful lunch of soup and sandwiches and a lot of other stuff we reconvened. Jonathan had asked the group to bring something to the retreat that was creative and significant in our lives and then tell the group what it meant to you. What a beautiful, wonderful insight to our fellow seekers. Some brought pictures, paintings, neckerchief slides, poems, etc. things that had meaning in our lives. It was a special time in the Retreat.

Next year will be the 20th consecutive year that the Seekers have held a retreat. We will be looking for a special place and another dynamic speaker to celebrate this milestone.