Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Exploring Your Call Returns to Bethany

It was during Exploring Your Call that I first seriously considered ministry as a vocation. I also felt a deep connection to the denomination through the friends I made.
—Dylan Haro, San Diego, Calif, First-year Bethany student

With the encouragement of Dylan and five other current Bethany students, Bethany is reviving Exploring Your Call. Held June 17-27, 2011, at Bethany, EYC will provide the opportunity for young people who are entering their junior or senior year of high school to explore faith and vocation through courses, congregational involvement, community service, personal and spiritual enrichment, and recreation. First offered from 2001-2005, EYC sparked participants interest in doing advanced biblical and theological work and gave them a lively introduction to the work of pastoral ministry.

All expenses for EYC are covered through a generous grant from Barnabas Ltd., excluding transportation to and from Richmond, Indiana. More information and a registration application can be found at www.bethanyseminary.edu/eyc For additional information, e-mail eyc@bethanyseminary.edu or call 800-287-8822.

Let your youth know about this great opportunity!