Tuesday, February 01, 2011

From the Moderator, Lisa Fike, Freeport Church of the Brethren

In February we are surrounded by reminders of love. With Valentines’ Day coming we are asked to remember the people we love.

So to begin with I am reminded by the people I love:

First of all I think of two very special young women, my daughters Carol and Bethany. Carol, you may know, is a BVSer working at the COB General Offices as assistant work camp coordinator. Bethany is a junior at Pearl City High School and involved in band, choir, speech team, drama, and National Honor Society.

Next I think of, my parents who are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary this month. Our family; which now includes their four children, one son-in-law, eight grandchildren, two grandsons by marriage, three great grandsons and as of three days ago a great granddaughter, will gather in celebration of those 60 years of married love. On the Fike side of the family I have a wonderful mother-in-law (She really is wonderful) and 2 brothers and sisters in law, a niece and three nephews. These 29 people mean the world to me.

As I think about love and our Biblical command to love everyone I must admit it doesn’t come as easily as loving those that are close to me. Still we are reminded to love one another as Jesus loves us (John 15:12). Like every other family our family has disagreements, times we don’t like each other very much. My mother-in-law told me once a long time ago, “If you love someone you don’t argue with them.” What she was really saying is when we love someone we have to be willing to listen to their point of view without objection or interruption. Loving one another isn’t being in agreement on every issue. Loving one another is sharing a willingness to see differences and allowing each to have the opportunity to share their point of view.

Brothers and sisters we are called to love one another. May we strive to love as Our Lord loved us.

As a side note: I welcome opportunities to visit with your congregation. The Freeport congregation has provided a few Sundays for me to make visits. If a time other than Sunday works for you I would be open to that as well. Feel free to call or email me.

In Christ’s love,

Lisa Fike