Saturday, January 01, 2011

D.E. Contributions

by Kevin Kessler, District Executive

Delegates at the 2010 District Conference were encouraged to respond to 5 questions they received on a 4x6 card in their delegate packets. Only four cards were returned with responses. Nevertheless, the information received is helpful in providing a glimpse of what our district’s hopes, dreams, and concerns are for the district. It seems important to share these responses publicly. As well, I hope to, over the course of this year, contribute articles in this newsletter based on the responses we received. If I know of resources and books that seem helpful, I’ll offer those. I will also share about ways I see leadership in the district giving emphasis to any of these responses. Hopefully, I will be able to offer reflections of what congregations are doing relative to the 5 questions. In this article, I’ll simply share with you the responses we received and then next month begin unpacking the responses. By the way, delegates and non-delegates alike, if you would still like to respond to the question, please do.

What do you hope to see happen in the IL/WI District in the next 3-5 years?
  1. Growth of current churches and new churches in all areas;
  2. Strengthen new churches that are coming into being;
  3. Work with existing churches to grow spiritually and in numbers;
  4. To complete the process of establishing goals and strategies to accomplish our vision;
  5. To move forward making great progress in the 5 key result areas we have;
  6. Renewed emphasis on support of variety church planting and church health processes
What do you currently see happening that excites you?
  1. Growth in inner-city churches;
  2. Planting new churches;
  3. Open discussion at district meeting;
  4. My church is scheduled for deacon training early 2011—excited about that;
  5. Also, work in Rockford—great!;
  6. I am very excited about what is happening in Rockford;
  7. I am excited by what I see happening at Mt. Morris;
  8. I am excited the LT and NCDT are working together to achieve a common purpose;
  9. Direction of NCDB re-organization away from a few personal agendas and to be sub-group of LT
What is your greatest concern?
  1. Decrease in church membership and attendance in smaller churches in the whole district;
  2. Declining numbers in existing churches;
  3. I am very concerned that I do not see our churches reaching out to influence their communities for Christ;
  4. That we have forgotten how to call people out to set-apart ministry and been distracted from Brethren basics of no force in religion and the peace position and simple community acts
What would you like to share with the District Leaders?
  1. We need to do more to attract youth and younger people to our churches. Make some changes and modernize to attract this group. Help!;
  2. Help our churches to grow/strengthen programs;
  3. My encouragement to be bold and make the tough decisions to bring about the changes needed to move forward in the mission;
  4. Hold on to Jesus and press on
For what can the Leadership Team and New Church Development Team be in prayer for your congregation and its leaders?
  1. Loss of members and attendance at services. We need God’s help in these areas. Pray for us now!;
  2. How to reach out to others;
  3. Best practices in our committees;
  4. How to grow spiritually;
  5. Please pray that my congregation, Neighborhood COB, will join in the mission of church planting and that it will become outward focused in every area of ministry;
  6. Our continued growth and community influence, both physical and spiritual