Saturday, January 01, 2011

Duane Grady to Present Workshop

Duane Grady, former Congregational Life Team staff for the denomination, is coming to the Canton Church of the Brethren on March 19, 2011, to present a workshop entitled Stepping Into the Jordan...Crossing Boundaries: Building New Connections in our Community. This event will begin at 9:00am and conclude following a simple lunch at noon.

The content of the workshop includes the following topics:
  1. Knowing your Community – ways of learning more;
  2. Knowing God’s Story – stepping more deeply into the Living Word;
  3. Knowing our Faith Story – authentic sharing, developing our own language;
  4. Advantages of the small membership church;
  5. New territory and opportunities;
  6. Seeking God’s help and developing courage;
  7. Things to try, test the waters with, learn from, adapt, from low risk to more challenging opportunities; and
  8. Practice and Reflection.
An interactive and experiential format will be used in the workshop including the opportunity to put into immediate practice in the community of Canton what is learned. Participants in the workshop will be stretched to move beyond their comfort zones to share, invite, and respond. While the activities and content of this workshop increase the discomfort we may feel to reach out to people, it will also provide the tools we need to reduce any fears we may have.

Put this date on your calendar and plan to be a part of an exciting learning and growth experience. There is no cost to attend this event and CEUs may be available. Please call the Canton COB office at 309-647-4828 if you plan to attend.