Wednesday, December 01, 2010

From the Moderator, Lisa Fike

Brothers and sisters of the Church of the Brethren Illinois and Wisconsin District, it is with great excitement I write today. Followers of Christ all across the United States have paused to give thanks to our God for the bounty that we have been given.

And now the Advent Season is upon us. We have joined with numerous people around the world in the biggest birthday party preparations known to mankind! Our brothers and sisters in Germany have made and begun lighting advent candles, In Nigeria preparations for the day of family gatherings and feasting is underway, in South America the nativity has been placed in a place of honor, and in Mexico a piñata has been prepared. Christmas is a day for all of God’s children, a day that everyone remembers the Christ Child being born to earthy parents. Christmas is a time for us to celebrate with all who confess Jesus as savior.

Across our district, across our denomination, we have disagreements, but may we this Christmas season agree to join the celebration with love and peace... for Our Savior was born for all.

Peace, Moderator Lisa J. Fike
Pastor - Freeport Church of the Brethren