Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Disaster Relief Trips For District of Illinois/Wisconsin Adults & Youth

District Youth Trip
When: June 19th – 25th

Where: Somewhere in Tennessee

Who Can Go: Youth 15 & up or 14 if a parent goes

Typical Housing: Bunk beds, Shared Bathrooms

Food: Breakfast and Dinner at the House, Lunch on the job site

What would we do: Painting, Cleaning, Minor Carpentry work, Depends on Job Skills

Why this Trip and not the planned Denominational Work Camps planned for July:
1. Cost, 2. More time with District Youth

When do we need to know: April 1st
District Disaster Trip for Adults
When: January 30th – February 5th

Where: Winamac, Indiana

Who can go: All Adults who want to serve

Housing: Bunk Beds, Shared Bathrooms,

Food: Breakfast and Dinner @ House, Lunch on the job site

What would we do: Depends on Job Skills How many can go: up to 12, 5 Dutchtowners already committed

Cost: Expenses to and from Indiana, Spending money while there, Dutchtown already has $400.00 for trip

When do we need to know: By January 1st
Contact: Rick Koch @ 815-499-3012 or e-mail