Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The Christmas Play

by Gil Crosby

The place is up for grabs, as the children come in
It’s the first day of practice for the play to begin.
December tradition calls for a children’s activity
And all the church comes to see the kid’s nativity.

Parents in the hall; kids in the pews and on the stage,
Where’s the director; where’s the book on what page.
Do we still have the costumes from last year or so.
and is the scenery still in the basement , yes or no!

Johnny’s in the baptistery, Mary runs up and down,
Bobby’s under the piano and Susie’s laying down.
Teachers look for costumes, Pastor looks confused
it’s the first day of practice no one seems amused.

Who wants to be Joseph and we need a Virgin Mary,
How many shepherds need cloaks and staffs to carry.
Wise men can be girls so everyone can be in the play,
don’t forget a lifelike doll for baby Jesus in the hay.

Everything seems in turmoil nothing’s going right.
Will we ever get this story ready for Christmas night.
Father’s put up the scenery and try out the lights,
Mother’s dress the players in robes, scarves and tights.

The director calls for order and players settle down.
Shepherds line up to enter as the star shines around,
Wise persons carry boxes that look like gold and myrrh.
And Mary brings the baby as Joseph comforts her.

What started as bedlam has begun to mesh together
If we can only find Billy, Bobby’s little brother.
He’s supposed to be the tiny, little shepherd boy
Who brings the baby Jesus a little handmade toy.

Christmas day arrives families have filled the sanctuary
All have come to see their own shepherd, Joseph or Mary.
The lights dim, all is quiet and a small voice begins to read,
“and in those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree.”

The lights brighten on a small cradle filled with hay,
Mary and Joseph lay the baby and kneel to pray,
Wise people hover as Shepherds sing a song of joy,
And little Billy gives baby Jesus his handmade toy.

It’s Christmas Day, the story again is told so well,
Told by little children who hold you in their spell.
They tell the story of Jesus and of his wonderful birth.
Told by those among us, His little angels here on earth.