Wednesday, December 01, 2010

District Leadership Team meets in Shannon and Retreat at Camp Emmaus.

The District Leadership Team met at the Eastland School immediately following the District Conference. Lisa Fike opened the meeting with prayer. As incoming Moderator she conducted the elections of officers.

The Team reorganized with Anna Lee Hisey Pierson being elected chairperson for a second term. Jim Lehman agreed to continue as Vice Chairman. We welcomed Lisa Fike as the new Moderator of the District. Gil Crosby agreed to continue as the team secretary. Orlando Redekopp went off the team after serving two years as Moderator elect and Moderator. Thank you Orlando for your excellent service.

It was agreed to invite the New Church Development Team to the retreat in light of the vote by council to merge the two teams together. Kevin will send a letter or E-mail to the members of the NCDT.

The teams assembled at Camp Emmaus November 19 for their annual Retreat. Mary Jo Flory Steury led the retreat. She arranged for the members to get to know one another better as fellow team members and spiritually as well. She used a timeline of the District of Illinois-Wisconsin to further the events of the day.

A meeting was held to discuss the merging of the Leadership Team with the New Church Development Team. A Christmas card fundraiser will be sent to members of the District to help support programs in the District. The nest Leadership Team Meeting will be held in Peoria on January 15th.