Saturday, January 01, 2011

Celtic Spirituality

Attention Licensed and Ordained Ministers
CEU opportunity within the District
Brought to you by the Ministry Leadership Development Team
Celtic Spirituality
February 12, 2011
Dixon Church of the Brethren

This will be an interactive presentation with opportunity for expanding horizons, exploring new ideas and sharing and fellowshipping with Brothers and Sisters throughout the district.

What is required to participate?
  1. We invite you to purchase and read two books that will be discussed and contents of each incorporated into the presentation.
  2. Attend the 1 day seminar Feb. 12, 2011. (CEU’s will be presented at the end of that day’s activities.)
1.0 CEU’s Awarded for Participation

Notes regarding the seminar.

The Books: Christ of the Celts By J. Phillip Newell; The Celtic Way of Evangelism, By George Hunter

Please purchase and READ these books before the seminar as their content is to be discussed as a portion of the day’s events.

Coffee, tea and breakfast refreshments will be available at 8:00am.

There will be a 1 hour break for lunch at which time you may leave the premises.

No lunch will be provided. Drinks will be available if you wish to pack a lunch.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact the presenters: Anthony DiMarco, Ginny Haney, John Sgro, Kathleen Brinkmeier, Lisa Fike

Registration for Celtic Spirituality Seminar to be held Feb. 12, 2011 at the Dixon Church of the Brethren

Address: _______________________________________________

City: _____________________________

Congregation: __________________________________________________

Telephone: __________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________

I do wish to receive CEU’s for participation ________

I do not wish to receive CEU’s for participation ________

Please return this form to: Beth Carpentier at the Illinois/Wisconsin District Office by January 20th.