Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Needed in Nashville

In the spring of 2010 our eyes were glued to our T.V. sets as we followed the news about the oil spill in the gulf. Yet at the same time a story that got little press coverage was that of the flooding in Tennessee. On May 1st of that year 20 inches of rain fell across the state of Tennessee. In the Ashland City area, not far from Nashville, 578 households found themselves in need of assistance. On the week of February 20th - 26th, six guys from the Milledgeville congregation, better known as the Dutchtown Church, spent a week there doing what they could to help get a few of these families closer to getting back into their homes. They poured foundations, laid block, built walls and tore down other walls filled with mold. They insulated and hung sheetrock, painted homes and built a deck. They repaired shoddy work done by uncaring contractors and heard stories of how other contractors took there money and never showed up. They listened to stories of pain and sorrow of having lost everything. And they heard words of thanksgiving for us driving so far to help them out. If you would like to know more about our trip or the Disaster Relief work being carried on by our denomination please contact me. Rick Koch 815-225-7338 or e-mail @ revrick-dutchtown@jcwifi.com

Also our District is planning a trip to the same site for our District Youth in June. You can find that information on the District web-site. We need a couple of adults to go as well.