2011 District Conference – 38 Grapes
Tables set up for Love Feast, Banners surrounding the room and a cross at the front of the room with a cluster of 38 grapes. Pastor and Moderator, Lisa Fike, had set the tone for the 2011 District conference. 38 Grapes represented the 38 congregations in the Illinois Wisconsin District who had supplied 38 banners ringing the sanctuary.
Moderator Fike emphasized the theme from John 15, “..Joined with me, and I with you…” A continuing question asked of those assembled was, “Do you Love Jesus”? If you Love Jesus everything else becomes unimportant and our differences fade in comparison.
Love feast was a family event with husband and wives, men and women, Lovers of Jesus all sitting around tables prepared with a symbolic meal of fruits, nuts and cheese. Feet washing began with the host of the table kneeling and washing the feet of the person on their left. This was the first time many, if not most, has participated in co-ed Love Feast. The whole evening seemed to evoke the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Saturday morning began the business portion of the 2011 District conference being held at the Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville, IL. Moderator Fike opened the session by passing out “Jelly Beans” and compared out District like a package of Jelly Beans. We are all different flavors but when you “taste” the bean and get to know their flavor, you find we are good people who are Brethren. The official session was opened with prayer.
The first order of business was the pleasing task of accepting a New Fellowship into the District. The Rockford Community Church of the Brethren formally entered the Illinois-Wisconsin District by acclimation and congratulations. The Rockford 1st Church received recognition for their generosity and compassion in gifting their Church building to the New Fellowship.
Next came the general business of commissioning the delegates, approving the minutes of 2010, accepting the agenda (with an addition), affirming the tellers, time keeper and parliamentarian. Carol Kussart from Gifts Discernment and Call presented the ballot which was approved.
The next report was from the District Deacons whose major event will be the District Potluck at the Peoria Church of the Brethren on a date that everyone should remember…. APRIL 28,2012.
DE Kevin Kessler reported for his 5th District Conference as the District Executive. Kevin not only serves as the DE at a “half time” basis but Pastors the Canton Church of the Brethren. He installed 4 Pastors in the District, meets with the Leadership Team, the Visioning Team, The District Ministerial Leadership Development Team, The Illinois Council of Churches, and participates with other Ministry Teams.
The Illinois Conference of Churches, representing 14 denominations, was represented by Executive Director, Laurie Vail. She reported to the conference the ongoing work being done through the Conference of Churches.
The next presentation on Church revitalization came from Pastors Rich Koch and Ginny Haney. The story was told of an elderly couple being mugged in a downtown street and left injured. A priest saw them and crossed the street to avoid getting involved. Minutes later a pastor saw them lying in the street and walked by. Finally an agnostic came along, administered first aid, then took them to the hospital. Who was the neighbor? Would a Brethren have stopped to help? Next Pastors from the District were asked to tell how they are serving the Church. How are we “Being the Church”? Churches told of food pantries, community meals, handing out bottles of water in the community, counseling, Boy Scouts, teen centers, a free clothing store, a mentoring program, giving away back packs to children and giving away flowers.. How can your congregation “Be The Church”?
The District Leadership Team reported to the conference by presenting new Mission and Vision Statements. After some discussion the conference affirmed the new statements. The New Church Development Team meeting was convened to offer an amendment to transfer the directorship of the corporation to the Leadership Team. The existing members of the NCDT have submitted their resignations to facilitate the transfer. The NCDT continues to function as the sponsor of Pastors Samuel and Gretchen Sarpiya. This was approved after clarification to the conference.
The Leadership Team then reconvened to offer Amendments to the Constitution. The Church Revitalization and Development Team became an official, recognized team reporting to the Leadership Team. This team assumes some of the responsibilities of the New Church Development Team.
Other business included the retirement of the Rockford 1st Church of the Brethren and honoring the Rockford Community Fellowship.
Jim Lehman presented the District Budget to the conference going through several items that were changed from the last budget. The budget passed unanimously.
The rest of the business meeting heard from the Retirement Homes, Camps, Shared Ministries (Bethany & BBT), TRIM, Disaster Relief, and the Standing Committee.
Then Rich Koch presided as auctioneer over an energetic live auction of the Quilts that were made by several congregations. The bidding began slowly but ended with a quilt selling for over $500. Between the silent and live auctions the District raised over $3,500. Thanks Rich!!
Sunday Worship opened with hymn singing led by Worship Leader Leaders Shannon Hinkle and Ruthie White. Pastor Hinkle introduced the speaker for the morning, Annual Conference Moderator, Tim Harvey. Pastor Harvey comes to us from the Roanoke City Church of the Brethren. His theme was the Annual Conference theme, “Continuing the Work of Jesus… peacefully, simply, together.” He spoke to the need for Brethren to speak to each other in love and not in confrontation. One of Moderator Harvey’s goals is to seat delegates at round tables in groups of seven, at assign places from different geographical areas, genders, and opinions. It this situation they would need to face each other and discuss their differences instead of standing in line at a microphone presenting one side of an issue.
The rest of the Sunday session included installing the Moderator, Fletcher Farrar, and Moderator-elect, Mark Flory Steury. The new Moderator challenged us to eat healthy concentrating of vegetables and fruits.
The last item was the exchange of Banners to District Churches.
The Lake Williamson Christian Conference site offered all the facilities needed for a successful meeting. Even though there were 4 other groups on site we did not overlap in any way, except meal times. Meeting rooms, equipment, lodging, activities, Worship centers, and a wonderful staff provided the District with a very successful conference.
Many thanks to the Hurricane Creek Congregation for hosting the 2011 Illinois-Wisconsin District Conference.
Moderator Fike emphasized the theme from John 15, “..Joined with me, and I with you…” A continuing question asked of those assembled was, “Do you Love Jesus”? If you Love Jesus everything else becomes unimportant and our differences fade in comparison.
Love feast was a family event with husband and wives, men and women, Lovers of Jesus all sitting around tables prepared with a symbolic meal of fruits, nuts and cheese. Feet washing began with the host of the table kneeling and washing the feet of the person on their left. This was the first time many, if not most, has participated in co-ed Love Feast. The whole evening seemed to evoke the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Saturday morning began the business portion of the 2011 District conference being held at the Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville, IL. Moderator Fike opened the session by passing out “Jelly Beans” and compared out District like a package of Jelly Beans. We are all different flavors but when you “taste” the bean and get to know their flavor, you find we are good people who are Brethren. The official session was opened with prayer.
The first order of business was the pleasing task of accepting a New Fellowship into the District. The Rockford Community Church of the Brethren formally entered the Illinois-Wisconsin District by acclimation and congratulations. The Rockford 1st Church received recognition for their generosity and compassion in gifting their Church building to the New Fellowship.
Next came the general business of commissioning the delegates, approving the minutes of 2010, accepting the agenda (with an addition), affirming the tellers, time keeper and parliamentarian. Carol Kussart from Gifts Discernment and Call presented the ballot which was approved.
The next report was from the District Deacons whose major event will be the District Potluck at the Peoria Church of the Brethren on a date that everyone should remember…. APRIL 28,2012.
DE Kevin Kessler reported for his 5th District Conference as the District Executive. Kevin not only serves as the DE at a “half time” basis but Pastors the Canton Church of the Brethren. He installed 4 Pastors in the District, meets with the Leadership Team, the Visioning Team, The District Ministerial Leadership Development Team, The Illinois Council of Churches, and participates with other Ministry Teams.
The Illinois Conference of Churches, representing 14 denominations, was represented by Executive Director, Laurie Vail. She reported to the conference the ongoing work being done through the Conference of Churches.
The next presentation on Church revitalization came from Pastors Rich Koch and Ginny Haney. The story was told of an elderly couple being mugged in a downtown street and left injured. A priest saw them and crossed the street to avoid getting involved. Minutes later a pastor saw them lying in the street and walked by. Finally an agnostic came along, administered first aid, then took them to the hospital. Who was the neighbor? Would a Brethren have stopped to help? Next Pastors from the District were asked to tell how they are serving the Church. How are we “Being the Church”? Churches told of food pantries, community meals, handing out bottles of water in the community, counseling, Boy Scouts, teen centers, a free clothing store, a mentoring program, giving away back packs to children and giving away flowers.. How can your congregation “Be The Church”?
The District Leadership Team reported to the conference by presenting new Mission and Vision Statements. After some discussion the conference affirmed the new statements. The New Church Development Team meeting was convened to offer an amendment to transfer the directorship of the corporation to the Leadership Team. The existing members of the NCDT have submitted their resignations to facilitate the transfer. The NCDT continues to function as the sponsor of Pastors Samuel and Gretchen Sarpiya. This was approved after clarification to the conference.
The Leadership Team then reconvened to offer Amendments to the Constitution. The Church Revitalization and Development Team became an official, recognized team reporting to the Leadership Team. This team assumes some of the responsibilities of the New Church Development Team.
Other business included the retirement of the Rockford 1st Church of the Brethren and honoring the Rockford Community Fellowship.
Jim Lehman presented the District Budget to the conference going through several items that were changed from the last budget. The budget passed unanimously.
The rest of the business meeting heard from the Retirement Homes, Camps, Shared Ministries (Bethany & BBT), TRIM, Disaster Relief, and the Standing Committee.
Then Rich Koch presided as auctioneer over an energetic live auction of the Quilts that were made by several congregations. The bidding began slowly but ended with a quilt selling for over $500. Between the silent and live auctions the District raised over $3,500. Thanks Rich!!
Sunday Worship opened with hymn singing led by Worship Leader Leaders Shannon Hinkle and Ruthie White. Pastor Hinkle introduced the speaker for the morning, Annual Conference Moderator, Tim Harvey. Pastor Harvey comes to us from the Roanoke City Church of the Brethren. His theme was the Annual Conference theme, “Continuing the Work of Jesus… peacefully, simply, together.” He spoke to the need for Brethren to speak to each other in love and not in confrontation. One of Moderator Harvey’s goals is to seat delegates at round tables in groups of seven, at assign places from different geographical areas, genders, and opinions. It this situation they would need to face each other and discuss their differences instead of standing in line at a microphone presenting one side of an issue.
The rest of the Sunday session included installing the Moderator, Fletcher Farrar, and Moderator-elect, Mark Flory Steury. The new Moderator challenged us to eat healthy concentrating of vegetables and fruits.
The last item was the exchange of Banners to District Churches.
The Lake Williamson Christian Conference site offered all the facilities needed for a successful meeting. Even though there were 4 other groups on site we did not overlap in any way, except meal times. Meeting rooms, equipment, lodging, activities, Worship centers, and a wonderful staff provided the District with a very successful conference.
Many thanks to the Hurricane Creek Congregation for hosting the 2011 Illinois-Wisconsin District Conference.
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