Thursday, December 01, 2011

Words from 2011 Moderator, Pastor Lisa Fike

A few weeks ago we concluded our 2011 Illinois and Wisconsin District Conference.

As I look back over the weekend I am reminded of a group of Christian people who enjoy gathering and sharing as brothers and sisters.

For me, gathering for Love feast was an awesome experience. From my vantage point I was able to look out over the room and witness persons humbling themselves to participate in feet (or hand) washing, and then to share in a simple meal and in the bread and cup, this touched my heart. To participate in the experience, for me, was the reason for us to gather at Lake Williamson for our 2011 District Conference.

It has been a joy to serve the district as your moderator for 2011. Now I can return to giving the Freeport Congregation most of my attention. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your warm wishes and invitations to serve in a variety of ways over the last year. As moderator I have had the opportunity to visit several churches and bring the message. I was invited to participate in the Rockford First Church gifting service, pool dedication at Camp Emmaus, and pastoral installation at Cherry Grove Church of the Brethren. I also want to thank the members of Freeport Church of the Brethren who have so willingly shared me with the district. Lastly; I want to thank my daughters, Carol and Bethany, for their support, especially Bethany who has had to put up with an extra busy schedule, messy house and fast food meals.

Blessings to new Moderator Fletcher Farrar and Moderator-Elect Mark Flory Steury as you serve our district. I am looking forward to the next time we meet to share in fellowship with my sisters and brothers around the district.