Sunday, April 01, 2012

District Disaster Relief Team

On Saturday, March 31st an excited bunch of people gathered at the Dutchtown Church in Milledgeville to begin anew our District Disaster Team. Those at the meeting were District Minister, Kevin Kessler, Leadership Team Liaison Bob Champlin, New Chair Pastor Rick Koch along with Gil Crosby, Don Hart, Tom Martz & Paul & Kathy Skoog.

Among their topics of conversation were, how to better promote participation in Disaster Relief work in our District and getting into Churches with programs about this vital ministry.

Did you know that our District has a Tool Trailer that has been used on a few job sites around the country, but cannot any longer because it does not meet the specifications met by Denominational guidelines? This team hopes to change that soon, but it will need your help! It will take money, manpower and tools! More to come on in the next few months when we find out just what is needed. We may be able to have the Tool Trailer at the District Potluck?

Also come next year it is our hope that our District can man a site by ourselves for a week. It has been over 10 years since we have done this! Now is the time. Oh, by the way it takes 12 – 15 people to staff a site for a week. Just so you can get it on your calendar, we have tenitivly set the second full week of February of 2013 as our week to staff. Now that doesn’t mean you cannot work before that time. If interested please let me know.

Well this is only meant to be a “Teaser” to hopefully make you want to know more about our District’s Disaster Relief Team. For more info please contact me, Rick Koch at or give me a call @ 815-499-3012.