Friday, June 01, 2012

Biblical, Spiritual, and Practical Resources

workshops for 2012-2013
presented by Ruthann Knechel Johansen

Ruthann Knechel Johansen, president of Bethany Theological Seminary, is pleased to offer the following workshops to districts, congregations and other interested groups or gatherings. They are suitable for pre-district conference events, insight sessions, weekend congregational presentations, or other settings that fit the cadences of life and learning in your part of the church. We trust that these workshops will be wonderful opportunities for education and thoughtful discussion about significant questions in our lives today and to strengthen or develop the relationship between Bethany and the individuals, congregations, and districts of the Church of the Brethren.

The preferred format is an interactive group discussion; however, the feasibility of' this format will be determined in part by the size of your group, We will work with you to meet the needs of your group as best we can. Most of the topics can also be adjusted to fit the timeframe your group has available. If you have interest in scheduling a workshop with President Johansen, please contact Shaye Isaacs, executive assistant to the president, at or 765-983-1803. You may also contact President Johansen directly at

Available workshops are: Beatitudes Spirituality; Job’s Lament, Job’s Friends, and Us: Reimagining the Kingdom of God; Engaging the Great Poems of the Bible and I and Thou: The Art, Practice, andSpiritual Discipline of Listening.