Illinois/Wisconsin District Conference

Highlights include:
Even though is it still early in the year, we would like you to consider making plans for District Conference, November 2-4. We are excited to be returning to Lake Williamson Christian Center near Carlinville, IL! We used the facility last year and received positive feedback from everyone who attended. This facility is organized especially for events like ours and features a variety of activities for all age groups. Lodging is available on-site as is dining, meeting space, and recreation, all within easy walking distances. Nearly all amenities on site are included in the single-fee cost per person. Families and individuals alike will find plenty of things to do in addition to the usual fare of worship, fellowship, and business that are experienced during District Conference.
- Friday Evening Worship with Dan Ulrich, Professor of New Testament Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary, preaching.
- Saturday Evening Concert with Mutual Kumquat
- Sunday Morning Worship with Benjamin Reynolds, interim Pastor at First Chicago CoB, preaching
Below, you will find links to a few items of preview information. Included is a poster we encourage you to prominently display in your church as well as other items that can be copied and distributed as needed -- registration form, maps, and activity guide. There is no need to search for a motel since lodging is on site. Simply completing the registration material and indicating occupancy preferences for a room will ensure that you have a place to stay for the weekend. The price per person includes lodging, 4 meals (Saturday and Sunday morning), and use of the activity center. Early registration is important for the purpose of giving accurate counts to the conference center. Sending a deposit with your registration now, with the remainder of the payment at a later date, will secure a place for you at conference and ensure that you receive the early bird savings.
The official registration packet will be mailed to congregations in mid- August. Additional materials will be included in that mailing such as forms and information for children and youth activities. However, if you want to use the enclosed forms to register early, please, by all means, do so, along with the deposit of $50.00 per person.
Online Conference Packet Documents:As always, separate children and youth activities will be held on Saturday. Interesting insight sessions will be provided Sunday morning and, as usual, district business will be conducted on Saturday.
* Packet Letter
* Conference Poster
* Registration Form - page 1
* Registration Form - page 2
* Map
* Activity Guide
* Silent Auction
* Nursery and Pre-K Registration
* Kindergarten - 5th grade Registration
* Junior High Registration
* Senior High Retreat Registration
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