Monday, October 01, 2012

Church World Service Alternative Gift Fair

An African Proverb says “Life is the best gift. Everything else is extra”. By hosting a Church World Service Alternate Gift Fair this holiday season you will be changing lives through the transformational work of Church World Service (CWS).

Order your Alternative Gift Fair Packet today. In it you will find resources to help you organize an engaging and successful event that can bring together all facets of your community. In the packet you will find:
  • How to host an alternative gift fair that involves everyone in your congregation, as well as local agencies that help those in need.
  • A poster to help promote your event.
  • A copy of the new CWS “Best Gift” catalog.
  • A sample gift card.
  • An order form for extra posters, cards, catalogs and more.
  • Information on additional resources available online.
  • An envelope to send your donation to CWS.

Alternative gift fairs provide an opportunity to honor those we love with a gift that recognizes their generosity and reflects their compassion. Through alternative giving, your congregation can open a dialogue around the true meaning and purpose of gift giving – and explore a new dimension of faithfulness. All while assisting those who struggle not for materials goods but for their very survival.

To order a CWS Alternate Gift Fair Packet or for more information please call Pam Folkers at 888-297-2767 or email

You may see the alternative gifts at