The theme of the Conference chosen by Moderator Fletcher Farrar was “The Courage of Daniel” and represented by the artwork of Kay Guyer.

The conference began Friday evening with a great Hymn Sing led by Jonathan Shively, Exec. Director of Congregational Life Ministries. The Friday evening service began with Moderator, Fletcher Farrar capsulizing the 12 Chapters of Daniel. The featured speaker for the Evening was Dan Ulrich, New Testament Professor at Bethany. He spoke from Daniel 6, “Courage to Continue, Courage to Change”. He told of how Daniel told the truth to the King and was rewarded. Daniel’s courage also got him thrown into the Lion’s den but was saved by His God. We were encouraged to “Go with the courage of Daniel.

Saturday found 64 delegates from Churches of the District gathered to carry on the business of Illinois-Wisconsin. The meeting went smoothly under the direction of Moderator, Fletcher Farrar, Moderator Elect, Mark Flory-Steury and Clerk Bill Williams. The parliamentarian was Carol Kussart. Three Churches shared their ministries with the Conference, York Center Mt. Morris, and Champagne on “Bridging Cultural Divides”, all three churches work in their communities bringing all people together to work in harmony with shared goals.

Two delegates arrived from Stanley, Wisconsin Church of the Brethren after an 8 hour journey to represent their church at District Conference. Greg and Laurie Natzke were welcomed as the only delegates from Wisconsin.

People wearing the purple shirts represented our host the Virden Church of the Brethren. They checked us in, served snacks and were generally available to answer questions and give directions.
Pastor Rick Koch from the Dutchtown Church presided over the silent auction and was the successful auctioneer at the live auction of the donated quilts and a cedar chest from District Churches. Proceeds from the auctions totaled $2,865.

Our District Executive gave his report and spoke on “Who are the people Jesus misses most”? Those are the people who are missing not the lost. Several delegates commended Kevin for the excellent work he provides for the District. Churches celebrated “Pastor Appreciation Month” in October but we have extended it further. Send Kevin a card expressing your appreciation for his Ministry.

Saturday evening came to a close with the performance of a Brethren group called Mutual Kumquat, four very talented gentlemen who brought us those great songs, “Song for the Veggies” and “Let’s Get Fruity”. Their 1 ! hour show kept the audience’s attention especially for Jacob Jolliff’s virtuoso performance on the Mandolin. It was an excellent end to a day busy with business.
Sunday moved the conference to Pleasant Hill and the Virden Church. Virden celebrates 100 years in service to our Lord.

A wonderful feature of the Sunday service was the painting skills and testimony of Andy Raines who painted pictures of Jesus in a matter of minutes while the choir sang. Andy shared with us his calling by God to be a “Passion painter”. He told God he didn’t know how to paint, God said, “Don’t worry, I know how.”

Outgoing Moderator, Fletcher Farrar asked the District and members to reach out to those Churches that have a loose affiliation to the District. We need to approach them with Brethren love and to let them feel a part of Brethren District. Incoming Moderator Mark Flory-Steury shared his theme and vision for the coming year, “Renewal”. He told us how all the “Re” words revitalization, reform, reconstitute, restructure, and resurrection mean to make new again.

The guest speaker Sunday Morning came to us from Chicago First Church of the Brethren, Pastor Benjamin Reynolds. Pastor Reynolds topic revolved around Daniel 3 and the story of the Lion’s Den and the Fiery Furnace. He spoke of the three teenagers who refused to bow to the king and for the Courage of their convictions were thrown into the fiery furnace. God stepped in, saved them, and converted a King. We too have to stand up for our rights against racism and bigotry. We need to stand apart from our culture and stand up for our convictions. God is with us as he was with those three boys in the fiery furnace.

Our new Moderator, Mark Flory-Steury and Moderator Elect, Stan Rodabaugh were commissioned by District Exec. Kevin Kessler.
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