Saturday, December 01, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Update

Children’s Disaster Services works in New Jersey, New York

Brethren Disaster Ministries and ecumenical partner Church World Service (CWS) have issued updates on their responses to the unfolding disaster and continuing human needs in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Church members who are considering donating to the response are encouraged to give through the Emergency Disaster Fund ( in support of the Brethren response including the work of Children’s Disaster Services (

Twenty childcare volunteers are onsite

“The Children’s Disaster Services response is progressing, though slowly, in this midst of this huge and devastating disaster,” reports Roy Winter, associate executive director of Global Mission and Service and Brethren Disaster Ministries.

Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) is currently working in two shelters, one in New Jersey and one in New York. Twenty CDS volunteers are on site in New Jersey and New York, or will be in the next 24 hours. CDS’ trained and certified volunteers set up childcare facilities in shelters and other sites in cooperation with FEMA and the Red Cross, providing care for children and families.

“Children are so often forgotten” in the midst of disaster, Winter says, commenting that Children’s Disaster Services is really the church’s early response team. “We go in as so often Brethren do, to speak for the forgotten.”

Reprinted from Newsline – Church of the Brethren e-mail service