Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Around the World at Pleasant Hill

Pleasant Hill Village in Girard took dinner guests on “A Trip Around the World” at the 18th Annual Fall Dinner and Auction on Oct. 18.

More than 220 people attended the event at the Virden Knights of Columbus and enjoyed fantastic food, marveled at wonderful decorations and enjoyed several rousing bidding wars on auction items.

Thanks to the generosity of local businesses and donors, PHV was able to offer enticing items, including the annual “War for the Pies” which generated almost $400 in bidding for three pies.

The event raised about $37,000, which will be used to purchase new tables for the Pleasant Hill Healthcare dining room; new vital sign monitors for PHH; equipment for the new assisted-living rooms at Pleasant Hill Residence and landscaping and beautification projects throughout the campus.

There are still plenty of items on the wish list and Pleasant Hill Village continues to accept support for the event.

Since 1905, Pleasant Hill Village has provided excellent care on a non-profit basis in the north Macoupin County, Ill. Area Pleasant Hill Healthcare is a skilled nursing facility providing 24-hour care, including a secured Alzheimer’s and Dementia unit. Pleasant Hill Residence, an independent living facility, offers 48 apartments of varying sizes and now offers assisted living rooms as well.

For more information, contact Darrin Burnett at 217-627-2181 or