Tuesday, March 01, 2016

From the Moderator


Here we are in the heart of winter and some are saying the groundhog indicates spring will soon be upon us. There is still time for many snowflakes and cold weather. As we feel the cold and damp of the season let us also feel the warmth of God’s love for us. Illinois and Wisconsin hold both times of cold and sometimes warmth during this month. God holds only the warmth of his love for us if we turn to him.

After several years of discussion and discernment of God’s will concerning present day issues in society and the church, it is time to turn our focus back to the call of Jesus to serve others in unity. This world will always present issues that we are called to discuss and discern in God’s will. The call of the Master is to serve Him in unity as the world suffers. We have the call to be like Christ in service and love for each other. There is way too much suffering in this world for us to expend our energies and talents in matters of social concern that will never be solved by humanity.

Let us love one another in spite of our differences and go forward in service to the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan will use the failings of our human nature to drive a wedge between us while Jesus calls us into a peaceful and servant attitude. Paul reminds us in Philippians 3: 12-16, as he speaks to the church, of goals set by Christ yet to be obtained; that we all be of the same mind. We accomplish much more if we all pull in the same direction.

I look forward to visiting some of you this year. If you would like me to come and share the Word please feel free to contact me and I will try to schedule the time. Contact me at ellis.boughton@live.com or call at 815-238-1137. I realize that time is always tight so please understand if it is not possible. I am looking forward to serving the District this year and our Lord always.

In Christ always,
Pastor Ellis