Letter from the IL/WI District Leadership Team

269 E. Chestnut Street • Canton IL 61520
Phone and fax: 309-649-6008
District Executive: Kevin Kessler, kevink.iwdcob@sbcglobal.net
Administrative Assistant: Beth Kelly, bethc.iwdcob@att.net
IL/WI District Leadership Team
January 14, 2016
To Congregations of the IL/WI District
Dear Friends:
Illinois’ failure to pass a budget has slowed payments to our two retirement communities, Pinecrest Community in Mount Morris and Pleasant Hill Village in Girard, leaving them in great need—a need so great it has reached crisis proportions.
Both communities have had to resort to extended bank loans and have nearly exhausted their lines of credit. A solution to the State’s budget impasse does not appear in sight. Some sources predict it may last the entire fiscal year.
Though our congregations can hardly make up the shortfall, your District Leadership Team wanted you to be aware of the crisis. If you have the means to help out, we urge you to respond to this very pressing need. Some congregations already have responded. York Center held a silent auction a few weeks ago that raised $1,008 for Pleasant Hill. Special offerings or sponsorship of a resident in need are other suggestions.
If your congregation has an idea for raising additional funds, we invite you to share it with District Executive Kevin Kessler or a Leadership Team member. Your suggestion may spark other ideas. We will compile a list of suggestions and share in a future letter.
Send ideas and donations to the IL/WI District Office (checks made out to “IL/WI District” with a notation that they are for one or both of the retirement communities). Send to: IL/WI District Church of the Brethren, 269 E Chestnut St, Canton, IL 61520-2730.
Please pray about this and give as the Lord leads your heart.
Yours in Christ,
The Leadership Team
Vicky Matheny, Chair
Ellis Boughton
Allegra Hess
Tim Laird
Alan Mackey
Mandy Rahn
Purvi Satvedi
Prudy Widlak
Gary Yoder
Kevin Kessler, DE
Continuing the work of Jesus peacefully, simply, together.
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