Saturday, October 01, 2016

From the Moderator’s Desk

This is my favorite time of year. The change in temperatures; the crops proving the giving nature of our Lord; and the cycle of life becomes so apparent. It seems as if the natural world blends in harmony during the fall season. Wouldn’t it be glorious if we humans could blend together in that same manner? Philippians 2:2 gives a call to that end…”then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” NIV. My heart aches for those who suffer in this world because of a few who have desires to destroy.

We do not have to settle for revenge or retaliation. We have Jesus Christ as our Savior and Mediator to God. The word “love” may be over-used in our society but the love of Christ for us is never ending. He calls us constantly to love each other as he first loved us. Rather than try to resolve all of our worldly problems by ourselves in debate, let us first ask God for His will and direction and go forward with that promise. Trying to constantly force a round peg into a square hole should teach us that we are not following His will.

We are first called to be like Jesus. When we answer that call, God will provide the answer to our debate and open doors otherwise closed. God has given us all minds with which to function in a rational manner. We do not need to follow blindly every drum beat we hear. God’s Word is infallible and always true. It is the one thing we can trust in forever. If we human beings believe and follow the truths in Scripture and love God unconditionally, He will provide loving answers to our questions.

District Conference will soon be upon us and I look forward to seeing many of you there. Let us gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ and go forward arm in arm to build the Kingdom of God. He will provide what is needed if we answer his call. Worldly items will come and go just as they have in times past. But remember that we are called first to be Kingdom workers for God. Let us all seek His will in our lives and pray for His will to be done.

Unity in our service to God and to each other will result in the world being made aware that Jesus Christ is alive and well in the hearts of the Church of the Brethren. The outreach projects of the church have shown our love for those around us who are in need. That same love and concern for those we worship with should also be a beacon to others. Let us be the example of Christian love around the world. To God be the glory now and forevermore.

In Christ always,
Pastor Ellis