Crisis in Nigeria
Join in support of our Nigerian Brethren on their Long Journey Home:
Nigeria Workcamps are being formed to help rebuild churches, repair church facilities, to worship and pray in fellowship with the Nigerian Brethren and to encourage people as they recover. Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) families and their neighbors have started the long journey of recovery and return of self sufficiency. Join in helping communities and churches rebuild in Nigeria.

A Joint Church of the Brethren & EYN
(Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) Project
(Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) Project
Workcamp Dates:
- November 4th—21st, 2016
- January 11th –30th, 2017
- February 17th—March 6th, 2017
- Additional workcamps in 2017 are being planned
- Majority of work will focus on rebuilding churches
- May also assist with relief activities or distributions
- Worship and fellowship with Nigerian Brethren
- Life-changing cultural experience
- $1,250 (approximate) - Air Transportation
- $200 - Nigerian Visa
- $650 - Housing, food and travel in Nigeria
- $500 - Project materials for construction
- Expenses not included: vaccinations
their faith community for the workcamp
Workcamp Registration: Registration forms and additional information can be found at:
- Call 847-429-4388 or email Kendra Harbeck at
- Forms: Registration, Release/Covenant, Nigerian Visa Application, Questions and Answers
- 90 days before workcamp: Registration, visa application and $600 deposit due
- 60 days before workcamp: Balance of costs due (approx. $2,000)—you will be notified of exact total.
- 90-60 days before travel meet with your doctor or a travel clinic about immunizations or medications
The Nigeria Church Rebuilding fund needs your support to provide a $5,000 grant for each Church EYN rebuilds. Send your Support: Church of the Brethren Nigeria Church Rebuilding, 1451 Dundee Ave, Elgin IL 60120 ∘ ∘ 847-429-4388
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