Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches

9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Union Church of Hinsdale
137 S. Garfield Ave
Hinsdale, IL
Sponsor: Lombard Mennonite Peace Center
About the Workshop:
Conflict is a normal part of life, even in the church. Understanding this can help church members realize that they should not be surprised or ashamed when they experience conflict in their faith communities. What is important is how the conflicts that inevitably arise are addressed. The Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches workshop teaches some basic skills that will help participants manage conflicts within their congregations in a healthier manner.
The goal of the workshop is prevention. We want participants to gain the understanding and the skills needed to prevent destructive conflicts. We also want participants to see how church conflict can be transformed into an opportunity to learn something new about God’s will for their church.
The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (LMPC) is a non-profit ministry whose mission is “to proclaim Christ’s good news, the gospel of peace and justice, and to be active in the sacred ministry of reconciliation.” This workshop is one of the ways that LMPC pursues its mission. Other popular workshops that LMPC has to offer include Healthy Congregations, Facilitating Healthy Pastor-Congregation Relations, and Leadership and Anxiety in the Church: A Family Systems Perspective.
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