Thursday, February 01, 2018

"Peace in Retreat" by Joyce Person

The warmth of the sun, a path in the woods,
yellow faces of daffodils, chirping of birds in the trees
uninterrupted by the sound of a lawnmower,
surrounded by God’s creation and a peace that
shuts out a world of turmoil!
Wind rippling the pond water as geese float serenely
by, tree branches bending low as if to reach into the water.
The sound of rushing water under the bridge
as it hurries to escape the pond, becomes
a rapidly flowing brook. I spied an ant hill as a scolding squirrel,
rudely startled as I passed by, let me know I had interrupted his quest.
As I continued on the path, a magnificent stand of pine trees
was reaching high above the mossy path that I follow.
Where does it lead? Where am I going?
The aroma of the trees seemed to be at one
with a blanket of fragrant pine needles on the path.
Ah, now the trail winds to the right and there across the path
is a downed tree trunk!
Is it meant to stop me, or a challenge to continue?
I crossed it, hanging onto a branch, lest I fall.
Now I am on my way.
The distant sound of the lawnmower reassures me.
I am headed in the right direction.
I haven’t found Emerson,
but I have communed with God’s creation.

(This poem was created during the Spring 2017 clergy continuing education event on Theopoetics led by Bethany Theological Seminary professor, Scott Holland.)