Ministry News
Jack Flores (Highland Avenue) was ordained
Sunday, Nov. 25 in a service of ordination at his
church. Rebekah, his daughter, preached during the
worship service and anointed Jack as part of the
ordination service. A group of folks from a nearby
Lutheran congregation where Jack attends a Bible
study were also present.
Bobbi Dykema (Springfield) officially began duties as the interim minister at the First Church of the Brethren in Springfield. Bobbi, along with husband Tim Bender, come to this district from the state of Washington in the Pacific Northwest District. Bobbi’s first Sunday in the pulpit at Springfield was Dec. 2. Welcome, Bobbi and Tim!
Bobbi Dykema (Springfield) officially began duties as the interim minister at the First Church of the Brethren in Springfield. Bobbi, along with husband Tim Bender, come to this district from the state of Washington in the Pacific Northwest District. Bobbi’s first Sunday in the pulpit at Springfield was Dec. 2. Welcome, Bobbi and Tim!
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